Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


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  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Sep 1, 2022

    Considering my nationality, it’s unlikely I’ll elicit much shock when I say that I love a good cup of tea. Of the habits I’ve retained on this side of the ocean, a proper cuppa is the one that’s least likely to fade. It therefore surprised me to learn that I’ve been making it wrong all this time – we all have. A chemical engineer from Loughborough University says we should be doing things a particular and very specific way if we want to be truly refreshed. Now, I’m a big fan of science and p...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 25, 2022

    I’ve always been impressed with Wyoming’s dedication to its natural resources. Hearing about our local tree farmers, looking at side-by-side photographs of the Black Hills now and in the time of Custer, reading about mine reclamations and efforts to revitalize areas hit by fire – these are not concepts I’d really thought about before I moved here. Even the fact that the Forest Service’s efforts to update its management plan has led to a little controversy only speaks to me of this deeply he...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 18, 2022

    I am writing this on the Saturday before the primary election on Tuesday. Win or lose, I wanted to thank the voters of Senate District 1, for their support and help through the years. I truly did (do) the best I can to represent their views and wishes. It is a tough job, making many constituents feel hurt, abused and angry. There is almost never a bill that all feel happy about. I truly do not know of a single legislator that I have worked with in my 12 years that didn’t think they were doing the right thing for the State of Wyoming and their c...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Aug 18, 2022

    The concept of personal sacrifice isn’t exactly foreign to these parts. You need only look south to Fish Mountain to be reminded the strong streak of courage that runs through our community. I came across a story from my homeland last week that, on the face of it, is really quite sad. However, its centuries-spanning impact is a testament to the importance of doing the right thing, even when you can’t be sure what impact your actions are going to have – or who exactly will be impacted. Our story...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 4, 2022

    Dear Editor: I am writing in grateful response to the recent restraining order on Wyoming’s trigger abortion ban. District Judge Melissa Owens objected to the Wyoming legislature’s automatic refutation of a woman’s right to determine her own health decisions, after hearing a Jackson OB/GYN and her patient argue a most valid point. That the ban violates a tenet in the Wyoming Constitution, regarding an individual’s right to make our own health care decisions, seems secondary, if confusing – seat belts, speed limits and vaccines notwithst...

  • Dear NP

    Dr. Wesley Davis, DNP|Aug 4, 2022

    Dear NP, I suffer from seasonal allergies that are not responsive to multiple antihistamines. I require frequent regimens of prescription steroids to help control my allergy symptoms of swollen eyes, sneezing and cough. How do I know when my allergies are severe enough to see a specialist for allergy testing? Dear Reader, Seasonal allergies are a problem for many people. About 24 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen from trees,...

  • Loving

    Dave Jagemann, Pastor, Chapel of Faith|Jul 28, 2022

    He who does not love does not know God, for God is love (1 John 4:8). It should be immediately noticed from the above verse who God is. He is love. On its own, humanity cannot sufficiently classify the totality of HIS love. This only comes through intimately knowing and experiencing God and is a crucial concept in the cosmic puzzle as well as a necessity for the soul. Love is not something the world gets to define on its own and place conditions upon, for in that there is no rest or freedom. This results in an unknowable, and unlovable God. Thi...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jul 28, 2022

    When I say the Brits can’t cope with the heat, I’m not kidding. While Wyoming baked in 104-degree weather last Monday, most of the UK was suffering through exactly the same temperatures. But unlike us, my home nation had to get by with no air conditioning and bodies conditioned for light rain while relying on a countrywide infrastructure system that was not designed to handle a real summer. Why would it have been, when we’d never had one? Our homes are built to trap the heat and don’t come pr...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Jul 14, 2022

    Dear Editor, We are being confronted with a number of crisis that are simultaneously demanding our attention; for example, the Ukraine war and the expense of maintaining an empire of 750 military bases around the world, the rising inflation in fuel prices, groceries, housing, etc., , the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roes vs Wade, the growing disparity of incomes, the unaffordability of health care when hundreds of thousands of people go bankrupt every year because they can’t pay their medical bills and the rising debt incurred by those see...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jul 14, 2022

    Getting Boris Johnson out of 10 Downing Street has proven to be a lot like trying to persuade a wasp out through an open window. It doesn’t want to go and its main skill set involves dipping and diving past your rolled-up newspaper as though it hasn’t noticed it doesn’t belong indoors. I used to be a fan of Boris, back when he was mostly notable for hanging on zip lines waving flags, the hair of a madman and a policy that introduced bicycles for hire to Londoners. Unfortunately, it turns out t...

  • Dear NP

    Dr. Wesley Davis, DNP|Jul 7, 2022

    Dear NP, My teenager has a history of seizures and takes medication to control them. How will this affect his ability to drive? Dear Reader, There are many different types of seizures, and they affect people in various ways. Some seizures cause people to lose control of their bodies entirely. If this were to happen while driving, it could cause a loss of vehicle control and be very dangerous. Fortunately, not all seizures cause this degree of symptoms, and medical therapy can control or...

  • Freedom

    Dave Jagemann, Passtor, Chapel of Faith|Jul 7, 2022

    And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32). Freedom: autonomy, self-determination, independence, choice. All very desirable and rightly so, yet wrongly applied to the hurt of self and many. Freedom is recognizing proper authority and submitting to it. The rules, guidelines and those in charge are safety for our being and comfort to the soul. It is not personal preference and a life fueled (ruled) by feelings. It is knowing God’s truth and utilizing it in living. “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Hap...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jul 7, 2022

    Quick, off the top of your head: what edible item are you least likely to include in your dinner plans tonight? If your answer was “stinging nettles”, I’m afraid you’re not going to be much of a contender at an annual event I had no idea has been going on in my home county. I speak of Dorset’s version of the traditional eating contest, which movies have informed me will usually involve scarfing down several thousand hot dogs or cherry pies. However, it would seem my neighbors did not get the m...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jun 30, 2022

    The scientists of my alma mater solved a bird-based mystery last week, but the solution was not nearly as bizarre as it first seemed. The head-scratcher involved an oystercatcher that seemed to be the best-traveled creature in the UK, making its way through an impressive swathe of the islands’ most popular attractions. Animal tracking is no novel phenomenon here in Wyoming – our Game and Fish department uses this method constantly to keep an eye on the wildlife of our state. Researchers fro...

  • Secretary Buchanan responds to Mike Lindell's comments regarding Wyoming elections

    Ed Buchanan, Wyoming Secretary of State|Jun 23, 2022

    Mike Lindell is NOT the purveyor of election integrity truth. On May 29, 2022, Mike Lindell, peddler of pillows and promises, traveled to Wyoming to speak in conjunction with a political rally. While here, he took it upon himself to allege publicly that widespread election fraud occurred in our fair state. He went on to declare that anyone who does not agree with him is a traitor to our country. As the Chief Election Officer for the State of Wyoming, it is important for me to ensure that each of you know that Mr. Lindell’s statement is f...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jun 16, 2022

    I’ve been confusing my husband for years, but neither of us realized I was doing it. While that sentence could probably apply to our entire marriage, in this case I’m talking specifically about my reaction to the weather. If there’s one good thing about all these storms (and it’s really only the one thing – just ask the holes in my windshield), it’s that they’ve been an opportunity to wheel out a few of the many, many sayings I’ve learned from my people about weather. As you may know, we’re obse...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|Jun 9, 2022

    Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee finally arrived last weekend and, as one commentator pointed out, my home country currently consists of 90% bunting. It’s the first time a British monarch has reached the impressive tenure of 70 years on the throne, so I’d guess there are probably more Union Jacks than people within our borders at this moment. For most people, I suspect, the jubilation has a lot to do with the extra four-day weekend (as well, of course, as there being many more excus...

  • Weary indifference

    Dave Jagemann, Pastor, Chapel of Faith|Jun 2, 2022

    “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Gal. 6:9 Life gets weary. Tiring, wiping or wearing one out. The resulting disillusionment and jadedness can sap and exhaust an individual, slowly unraveling all that they are. If allowed to remain, this consuming process of indifference will create a world resembling a mundane desert of meaninglessness. Satan knows and exploits this. A weary indifference to life and the things in it will cripple the intention and goodness of what is pur...

  • State should back away from crypto

    Green River Star, May 26|Jun 2, 2022

    Given Sen. Cynthia Lummis’ mentioning Bitcoin during her ill-advised graduation address at the University of Wyoming a few weeks ago, it seems fitting to discuss how bad cryptocurrency is as a followup. Cryptocurrency isn’t what its backers claim it is. If anything, cryptocurrencies are products designed to consolidate wealth for early holders and mirror schemes involving pyramids. They have no value in and of themselves either. The only value they generate is through how much money is fed into a currency’s ecosystem by people buying into it. A...

  • Letters to the Editor

    May 26, 2022

    Old Glory I have seen Old Glory flying in the wind after the smoke of attacks clear away. Sandstorms weather my colors in a matter of hours. My heart still fills with pride seeing the “Colors” fly high over this great country. Flying the flag every day is wonderful, but we still need to show her the respect she deserves. Many flags can be simply hemmed up to three inches and still flown. Once the brilliant colors of the field or the stripes fade, it is time to retire the flag. Any holes in the flag can be mended unless they are larger than a q...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|May 26, 2022

    I come to you this week with either a request or a confession, but I’m not really sure which it is. A mystery has confounded the Sundance Times office for the last week and I’m hoping somebody out there can help us solve it. First, the potential confession: there is a possibility I may have eaten somebody else’s pizza. I don’t think I did, but I also can’t prove I did not. Our confusion began last week when a familiar scent wafted through our front door, followed by a lady bearing a delivery...

  • Mental Health Awareness Month

    Katie Allen, Community Prevention Specialist|May 19, 2022

    Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed here in the US since 1949, but it seems like we mostly haven’t paid attention to it because maybe it didn’t apply to us – or so we thought. We’re fine. Our family is fine. Our neighbors are fine. Even if we aren’t, we sure don’t talk about it. That is where we’ve failed ourselves and each other. The brain is a pretty important part of our body, wouldn’t you say? For example, it keeps us breathing without thinking about it. That’s super handy. It also helps us process, well, pretty much every...

  • This Side of the Pond

    Sarah Pridgeon|May 19, 2022

    If you’re a follower of the royal family, you already know that the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration is in full swing. To commemorate her 70 years on the throne we have a brand new dessert, chosen from 5000 entries to join the pantheon of royal-inspired foods that also brought us Victoria sponge and coronation chicken. Although I don’t envy the person who had to take 5000 bites of dessert without descending into a sugar coma, I’ve been excited for this moment. It’s the result of a contest h...

  • Letter to the Editor

    May 12, 2022

    “If men are not governed by GOD they will be ruled by tyrants.” – William Penn “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionist, but by Christians; not by religions, but on the gospel of JESUS CHRIST.” – Patrick Henry We have leaders in our government, who by this world’s standard have been greatly educated and supposedly have great wisdom. By reading...

  • Editorial: Casper Star-Tribune, May 8

    Casper Star-Tribune, May 8|May 12, 2022

    What does it mean to be a Republican? Traditionally, a number of political motivations and ideologies could fit under the definition of Republicanism. Broadly speaking, all share a belief that small government is better. Some stress social conservatism, while others opt for a moderate or even libertarian stance on social issues. Some are interventionist on the global stage. Other believe the U.S. is best served by a greater inward focus. In 1967, when he was still governor of California, Ronald Reagan famously said there was room in the big...

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