Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

May 15, 1924

Sundance passed through a quiet city election Tuesday, there being no opposition to the following nominees: Edwin Rounds, mayor; H. G. Schloredt and R. D. Thomas, councilmen.

C. J. Finch, a pioneer of Crook County, spent a day or two in Sundance last week from his ranch on Sand creek where he operates a tourist fishing resort. Mr. and Mrs. Finch enjoy a good trade during the summer months and are looking forward to a good business this year. Charlie says that in looking over the signs of the times he has about concluded to throw his hat in the ring and run for the legislature.

In the public debate on Philippine independence at High School auditorium Tuesday night the affirmative side as presented by Andy Hansen. Mat Whalen and Grace Zimmerschied was given the judges' decision by a vote of 2 to 1. The judges were E. G. Schuelke, Otis Reynolds and R. L. Massie.

75 Years Ago

May 12, 1949

Councilmen C. D. Roberts is the new mayor of Sundance if the voters of Sundance have anything to say about it. Roberts won the office on a write-in vote in the election held Tuesday. No candidates or parties had filed for the office of mayor or for seats of the two vacancies in the council. Winners of the write-in contest for the councilmen posts were Leslie Hooper and Charles Stagemeyer. Hooper polled the largest vote of the election. Roberts was undecided Wednesday as to whether or not he would accept the office. He had served in the post from 1930 until 1945. He commented, "I haven't accepted the position yet. I haven't made up my mind what I will do."

Stagemeyer was the only one of the three that accepted the decision of the polls. He refused to comment on his election.

The official opening of Cool Motors in Sundance has been scheduled for Saturday, May 14, according to the announcement of Larry Endres, operator of the garage. The feature of the opening will be the showing of the 1949 Ford motor car. The garage has recently been awarded a factory franchise for the Sundance area. Endres stated that four models of the 1949 Ford would be on display at the opening.

50 Years Ago

May 9, 1974

Mayor Ray Buckman, during the meeting of the Sundance City Council Monday night, named Charles Jones and Larry McLaughlin as councilmen filling vacancies left by the resignation of two council members. McGlaughlin replaces Don Cave, who resigned in April because of his health. Jones fills the vacancy caused by the resignation of Glen Wyatt last month. Wyatt resigned because he is moving outside the city limits.