Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Cards of Thanks

Thank You

Thank you to everyone that sent cards, called and attended my birthday party!

Lots of wonderful friends.

It was a great day!

Minnie Williams

Our Thanks

We would like to thank the Sundance Volunteer Fire Department for coming to our rescue, in the -44-degree, harsh weather, and fighting the fire at our home on Friday night, January 12. They did not have to come out and subject themselves to the cold and the back spray that froze on their gear and bodies; but they chose to come out anyway, and we are forever grateful. Because of their efforts our home did not burn to the ground.

We would also like to thank friends that showed up during and after the fire, to move a few belongings and support us; the Chapel of Faith meal train, and other friends and neighbors that provided us with meals, when the last thing we were thinking about was feeding ourselves; the generosity of a neighbor and friend to provide us with a house to stay in while we are displaced; offers from many wanting to help us clean up the mess and move our belongings that are salvageable; an offer for a place to store our belongings; offers to help rebuild when the time comes; and for all of the people who reached out with their hearts to us, letting us know that they were praying for us.

The genuine caring and generosity of the people who reside in Crook County, and the individual communities within Crook County knows no end.

Our hearts are full!

Ty and Carol Stutzman

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