Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

May 8, 1924

Monday night and all-day Tuesday witnessed a severe spring storm which, if continued very much longer, would have resulted in much suffering to stock of all kinds. About six inches of snow fell in Sundance basin, accompanied by a heavy gale and consequent drifts. Lambing started in this vicinity Monday and weather conditions made this branch of the livestock business extremely hazardous for a few hours. The storm broke Tuesday night and a brief survey Wednesday would indicate no great damage. At no time was the temperature much below freezing, which was a real cause of thankfulness to stockmen.

Arbor Day was generally observed in this vicinity Monday and many indulged in the time-honored custom of planting for the future generations.

50 Years Ago

May 2, 1974

A fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the Johnson sawmill at Hulett Thursday night. Sheriff John Peterson said all the lumber and logs at the mill were saved but that the equipment was destroyed when the building burned to the ground. Hulett and rural area fire fighters battled the blaze. Peterson said the cause of the fire is not yet known but he said it might possibly have been started by lightning. He said owner Merle Johnson had just completed making a circle around the sawmill and had noticed nothing. Johnson discovered the fire about 6 p.m.

Crook County’s political picture bubbled with more activity this week when two men announced they would be candidates in the August primary. Sheriff John Peterson, now completing his first term, said Tuesday he will seek re-election. A former county brand inspector, Peterson was elected sheriff in 1970, winning by a landslide margin and piling up the most votes of any candidate in the general election. Sundance rancher Ted Orr said this week he will be a candidate for the Republican nomination as state representative from Crook County. Last month, Nels J. Smith, Sundance, said he would be a candidate for representative. A Republican, Smith has served six terms in the Wyoming House.

25 Years Ago

May 13, 1999

County estimates: according to the state’s recently released assessed valuation of property within Crook County, it appears that there will be a $20 million drop in Crook County’s estimated revenue in the coming year. Estimated revenue under current projections is estimated to be $66,096,525. This year’s revenue was $86,103, 328.