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Two women charged for burglary at local bar

Two Sundance women have been arrested on charges of burglary after allegedly taking money from the safe and a cash jar of a local bar.

Lisa Alberts and Amber Nehmer have been charged with felony counts of burglary and conspiracy to commit burglary. Both charges carry maximum penalties of ten years of incarceration, a $10,000 fine or both.

According to court reports, a Crook County Sheriff’s Office deputy was called to the Dime Horseshoe Bar on the afternoon of January 22 to respond to a report of burglary.

Camera footage allegedly showed Lisa Alberts stealing various items after entering the bar at around 7:12 a.m. on January 18 to clean the premises. Though employed for this purpose her shift was not meant to begin until around 9:30 a.m.

According to court reports, Alberts can be seen on the video kicking and shaking the quarter game machine in an attempt to get quarters to drop. She then allegedly used a black book to purposely knock a cash jar off the counter; when she placed the jar back, it appeared empty.

Alberts then allegedly spent approximately an hour playing skill gambling games and the quarter machine before leaving.

An inspection of the jar allegedly showed there was $343 missing.

On the same video, according to court reports, Alberts let Amber Nehmer into the bar at around 7:55 a.m.

Nehmer allegedly took the key to the office from behind the bar and then entered the back room, where she emptied the safe, removing approximately $1020.

The deputy reports that, based on his review of the video, it appeared that Alberts and Nehmer had planned to enter the building during non-business hours for the purpose.

According to the deputy, one of the owners of the bar allegedly received a text message from Nehmer stating that she had borrowed money from them. However, no loan had been agreed.

Nehmer allegedly also confirmed that Alberts had taken the money from the jar.

After a review of money that should have been in the safe from various auctions, raffles and sports games board, the bar owners informed that they believe a total of $6784 has been taken since potentially as early as December, 2023.