Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Pinochle Marathon

These are Pinochle average scores for individuals as of Feb. 8:

Mary Jayne Jordan 3886

Vivian Brunson 3865

Karol Santistevan 3794

Carol Jordan 3674

Jennifer Adams 3670

Lyle Brunson 3575

Judi Sipe 3500

Gail Kaiser 3455

Larry Byrne 3420

Terry Wilkerson 3404

Jacquie McInerney 3250

Jean Adams 3187

Richard Wilkerson 3167

Barbara Byrne 3150

Tracy Santistevan 3110

Joann Salyer 2767

These are Pinochle average scores for couples as of Feb. 8:

Carol Jordan and Mary Jayne Jordan 7560

Lyle and Vivian Brunson 7440

Tracy and Karol Santistevan 6904

Jennifer Adams and Jean Adams 6857

Jacquie McInerney and Gail Kaiser 6705

Terry Wilkerson and Richard Wilkerson 6571

Larry and Barbara Byrne 6570

Joann Salyer and Judi Sipe 6267

Please turn in all scores by March 31.

The end of year Pinochle Marathon Card Party will be at 1 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, in the Sundance State Bank Meeting Room at the post office.