Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Pasture Bids



The City of Sundance has available four separate parcels of land for pasture lease for the period March 15, 2024 to February 28, 2025. These four parcels will be let to bid by separate parcels.

These pastures are for horses only. No cows can be placed in these pastures at any time. The successful bidders cannot sublease these pastures to others and no haying of any of these pastures will be allowed.

The Lessee, to the satisfaction of the City, will maintain fences and structures. No other fencing or structures will be allowed without prior approval of the City. Any new fences or permanent structures placed on this property by the Lessee will become the property of the City. All weed, and pest control will be the sole responsibility of the Lessee.

If the Lessee fails to abide by these provisions of lease, the Sundance City Council will cancel the lease. The evicted Lessee will forfeit the entire lease payment and will be banned from leasing Sundance City pasture in the future.

The Pasture Parcels are as follows:

Parcel 1: Up to four horses will be allowed to use this parcel.

The Green Mountain Cemetery Pasture is located adjacent to Green Mountain Cemetery. It is located in the NW ¼ NE ¼, Section 19, T51N, R62W, 6th P.M., Crook County, Wyoming. Water is not available on the property. This pasture contains 35 acres, more or less. The Lessee will be required to protect the white cemetery fence with alternative fencing placed 10 feet from the cemetery fence. Barb or electric is suggested.

Parcel 2: Up to four horses will be allowed to use this parcel.

The Landfill Pasture is located between the City’s landfill and wastewater lagoons. It is located in SE¼, Section 18, T51N, R62W, 6th P.M., Crook County, Wyoming. Water may be available for part of the year. This pasture contains 40 acres, more or less.

Parcel 3: Up to two horses will be allowed to use this parcel.

The Water Tank Pasture is south of I-90 and the frontage road by the City’s Sundance Kid water tank. It is located in the S ½ NW ¼, Section 24, T51N, R63W, 6th P.M., Crook County, Wyoming and contains 15 acres, more or less. Water may be available part of the year.

If the City acquires an immediate need for the land prior to the expiration date, the City will give the Lessee a thirty-day written notice.

The City in no way guarantees that there will be enough grass in these pastures to sustain horses for the entire lease agreement. Supplemental feed might have to be provided at some point in time.

Bidders will place their bids in a sealed envelope with their name and parcel number on the outside of the envelope. Each bid shall be in a separate envelope. Bids will be accepted until 4:00 P.M., February 6, 2024 at which time they will be opened and read aloud. The Council retains the right to waive any and all irregularities and accept the bid most advantageous to the City. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All leases will be for a one-year period unless a need by the City arises. All bids will be lump sum for the one-year period and payable in full prior to any use.

Paul S. Brooks, Mayor

City of Sundance

Publish: January 25 and February 1, 2024

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