Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


City of Sundance

December 5, 2023

The Town Council met this day in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in Sundance Council Chambers with Mayor Paul Brooks presiding. Roll call was taken by Mayor Paul Brooks with Council Members, Callie Hilty, Randy Stevenson, Joe Wilson and Brad Marchant present.



Mike Coy-Customer Deposits Payable $18.21; Cody Selting-Customer Deposits Payable $76.68; 9 S Consulting- Audit $315.00; 21 Electric Water-Electric Maint- $1836.00; American Solutions for Business-Admin Office Supplies $1136.94; AT & T-Water Misc $58.20; Big Horn Tire Inc-Firemans Fund $3187.00; Blakeman Propane -Fire, Ambulance, Shop, Pool, Garbage/Landfill $22,666.00; BN Doors-Shop Misc $170.00; Campbell County Public Works – Garbage Gate Fee $593.60; Caselle Inc – Computer Support $1421.00; Contractors Supply-Gillette WY $16.06; Crook County Sheriff-PS Contract $24,937.50; CW Waste-Garbage Gate Fee, Garbage Recycling $18,349.04; Deckers- Admin $69.96; Energy Laboratories Inc-Water Testing $66.00; Eye Net Graphics- Pee Wee Football $882.36; Grossenburg Implement Inc- Parks-Vehicle Maint $60.00; Hartl Electric-Street Light Maint $348.95; Hawkins Water Treatment-Water Chlorine Supply $40.00; Hughes, Mark -Admin City Attorney $2000.00; Huskers -Garbage Fuel $308.47; Marco-Admin Copy Machine $572.55; Northwest Pipe Fittings- Water Supplies $18.00; Omega Computers-Computer Support $200.00; One Call of Wyo-Water One Call $31.50; Powder River Energy-Admin-Electricity, Street Lights, Tennis Courts, Softball, Water Electricity, Sewer Electricity, Garbage Electricity, Swimming Pool, Fire Electricity, Ambulance Electricity, Parks Electricity $10,679.31; Quik Signs-$1943.97; Range Telephone-Admin Telephone, Garbage/Landfill, Public Safety, Water Internet, Ambulance Telephone $750.86; Rolling Metal- Shop Gas, Shop Diesel, Garbage/Sanitation, Fire Fuel $1002.60; Servall Uniform- Admin-Janitorial $183.69; Slattery Enterprises Inc-Toilets

Softball $188.57; Sundance Extinguisher-Firemans Fund $220.00; Sundance Hardware-Janitorial, Shop Supplies, Fire Supplies $340.16; The Sundance Times-Admin Advertising $460.00; Tracy Motor Comp-Garbage Supplies, Shop Supplies, Shop Supplies $297.24; Trihydro Corp-Garbage Testing $6023.90; Trihydro Corp- Water City Engineer $2000.00; U.S. Postal Service $426.26; Visa # 5219- Admin Travel & Training, Admin Computer Support, Admin Office Supplies, Assn Dues $998.42; Visible Difference-Admin Janitorial, Park Toilet Maint $670.00; Volunteer Firemen’s Pension Fund-Fire Dept Retirement-$356.25; Western Stationers $236.78; Western Water Consultants-Water Ryan Street $1243.75; Wonderware- Water Misc., Sewer Misc., Garbage Misc $36.95; Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments-Water Ryan Street $15,149.96; Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments-$12,393.76; Wyoming Water Development Water Cole $16,618.43; Payroll Administration, Maintenance,-Payroll $33,264.96; BC/BS-Health Insurance $15,225.60; City off Sundance-Flex Share $542.00; EFTPS -$10,156.92; Great-West Trust-Deferred Comp-$350.00; NCPERS-Life In-$128.00; Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit- $6.12; Symetra-Long Term Disability $338.92; Wyoming Retirement System $7439.72; Wyoming Workers Compensation-$1400.88.

TOTAL $ 220,453.00

Approve Minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of November 7, 2023, as published. Approve the November adjustment report. Approve the November Paid Invoice report. Approve the December Unpaid Invoice Report. MOTION CARRIED (per consent agenda).



Trihydro Update

City Engineer Michelle Sell and Ryan Christenson reported that the 3rd Street potholing is complete, and surveying is being done on adjacent streets. Mr. Christenson will be in Sundance to look at the project site with Public Works Director Mac Erickson. Trihydro will revise the 60% design plans as needed.

Other projects Mr. Christenson will look at are the High Mile storm sewer drainage and Dr.Wadell’s, sewer hookup.

Land Use and Planning – Variance for Adventures 307 LLC (Coder) Corner Lot

Mayor Brooks reported that City Attorney Mark Hughes has sent a letter to the Coders regarding the variance request.

City Council Member Joe Wilson stated while he is not in favor of a zone change, he would like to see some kind of an agreement made to allow the owners to move forward. And a time frame of one year to allow the Council to revisit.

City Council Member Randy Stevenson asked about gathering public input and commented that it’s hard to make a decision when no site plans have been presented.

City Council Member Callie Hilty stated she has been approached, asking if input is needed from adjacent businesses.

City Attorney Hughes stated the City Council can ask for conditions in the permitted use and that an application with plans needs to be submitted.

Discussion was held.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to table for 30 days requesting a written site plan is submitted. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance 2, 2023-Amending Ordinance 8, 1986 – “No more than three (3) dogs in any one home or residence shall be allowed.” 3rd Reading

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT SECONDED a motion to approve Ordinance 2, 2023 on its 3rd reading. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


Land Use and Planning Minutes of November 27, 2023

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON SECONDED a motion to approve Building Permits as presented and pulling out item A. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Discussion was held on item A. The property owner needs to provide a new sketch map drawing and clarify the set backs.

B. Sophie Schwebke Mobile Home 123 High Mile Rd

C. Church of Good Shepherd Landscaping 602 E Main St

Ryan Street Water Main Replacement Project-WWC Engineering Contract Amendment #1

COUNCIL MEMBER MARCHANT MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to allow the mayor to sign WWC Engineering Contract Amendment#1. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Resolution 15, 2023-Budget Amendment for Insurance Claim Received


City Hall Roof Repair

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON SECONDED a motion to allow Public Works Director, Mac Erickson to work with Lowes Roofing on the City Hall roof repair. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


City Attorney Mark Hughes has reviewed the bond ordinance and would like to revise the ordinance to better serve the City of Sundance needs. Mr. Hughes will contact Lorrie Marchant and consult with her on bond costs.

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to allow City Attorney Mark Hughes to rewrite the Ordinance pertaining to Bonding of City Employees. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


Deputy Sheriff Troy Skeens, Crook County Sheriff’s Office, reported 126 calls for the month.

Fire Chief Gari Gill reported things are going well. His department assisted in 3 motor vehicle accidents including 1 extrication.

Chief Gill extended his thanks for the support he has received from the City Council and City Attorney. Membership has decreased due to members who have moved but stated new recruits are ready to begin after the first of the year. He desires to keep a volunteer number of 20 to ensure adequate coverage.

Chief Gill reported that he is looking at a Volunteer Fire Association grant to replace fire hose and improve how the hose is carried on the trucks for safety. This is a 50/50 grant of up to twenty thousand.

Chief Gill is keeping track of any funding that would be available to expand the fire hall.

Public Works Director, Mac Erickson reported he has looked at a storm water drainage concern at High Mile Rd. He will take a Trihydro engineer to view the location for possibilities on what can be done to help.

Mr. Erickson reported that insurance claims have paid for hail damages. The first priority will be to schedule repairs on City Hall roof, hopefully this winter.

Economic Development member Jeremy Holt reported they are waiting to hear on an acceptance letter from one grant and have a letter of intent to start another grant for future growth of water and sewer needs.

Council Member Joe Wilson extended his appreciation to Fire Chief Gill for the work he does to keep a solid volunteer department. He was impressed at the teamwork under Mr. Gills leadership.

Council Member Callie Hilty asked if the outside city water application and agreement drafts have been looked at.

City Attorney Hughes will review with Public Works Director Mac Erickson, the drafts that Clerk Treasurer, Theresa Curren has prepared.

Deputy Clerk Helen Engelhaupt reported that Clerk Treasurer, Theresa Curren is working on the Ordinance Codification.

City Attorney Mark Hughes stated he had recently attended a Republican central committee meeting in which a petition was being circulated, for the purpose of reducing property taxes by 50 %.

Mr. Hughes cautions the public to consider what effect this will have and the funding that will be lost if it were to pass.

Meeting adjourned 7:27p.m.

Mayor Paul Brooks


ATTEST: City Deputy Clerk Helen Engelhaupt

Publish: December 14, 2023

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