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Idler changes plea in child abuse case

Josh Idler of Sundance has changed his plea to guilty on two felony counts of child abuse and one of aggravated assault and battery.

Idler has also admitted to breaking the terms of his probation on a previous case in which he was adjudicated guilty of counts including reckless endangerment, child abuse and domestic abuse.

In a hearing before Judge James Michael Causey on Thursday, Idler agreed to plead guilty to the three felonies and probation violation in exchange for the state dropping the additional five charges against him.

Idler originally also faced an additional felony count of aggravated assault and battery, two misdemeanor charges of battery and two misdemeanor charges of unlawful contact.

During the hearing, Idler admitted to three incidents, in two of which he pushed minors under the age of 18 into a bathtub, causing injury, and in one of which he intentionally kicked a woman he knew was pregnant.

The state included a recommendation in the plea agreement for the court to reimpose between two and six years of the previous sentence and between eight and ten years per count on the current three felony charges.

The three felony charge sentences would run concurrently, but consecutively with the probation violation. This would mean a potential maximum sentence time of 16 years.

However, as Judge Causey stated, “This is simply a recommendation to the court, it is not binding on the court.”

The agreement was entered into the record, but will neither be accepted or rejected until a pre-sentence investigation is complete. At that time, the judge explained that he can choose to reject the agreement, but Idler will not have the right to withdraw his plea.

Should that happen, Judge Causey can impose up to the maximum penalty on each charge. All three counts carry maximum penalties of ten years of incarceration, a $10,000 fine or both.

The prosecution and defense both agreed that Idler will remain out on bond until his sentencing, which is expected to take place around 75 days after pre-sentence investigation was ordered. Idler has been monitored through GPS since his bond was established and is not believed to have violated the terms during that time.

Judge Causey will preside over the sentencing hearing for the three current felonies. The matter of the probation violation will be set for disposition and has been assigned to Judge Stuart S. Healy III.