Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

The article “Homeowners Speak in Favor of a New Property Tax System” in last week’s Times points out once again how government always wants to spend more of our money. Always.

First, the word “stakeholders” is purposefully evasive in the article. Who are stakeholders? Aren’t the homeowners stakeholders in their community? Why not use the word “government” in lieu of “stakeholders” since that’s what is being referred to in this article?

I’m sure that all departments of all levels of government, whether it be state, county, city, schools, hospitals or libraries all relish the fact that home prices have risen to all-time highs and the money taken from us just keeps rolling into their coffers without an increase of the tax rate (aka ‘mill levy’). What could be better than increased spending without the political liability of forcing higher rates?

Yes, California’s Proposition 13 has some inequities. Been there, done that, in a previous life. But to argue that “it’s too difficult” or “too expensive” is just making an excuse.

Notice how readily many states have enacted cannabis laws, no matter how complicated the regulations and enforcement may be, since they are on the receiving end of more cash to spend? Somehow that can be done but it’s too complicated to protect the citizens of Wyoming from gouging property tax payments?

I suggest that we all contact our elected officials and make it quite clear where we stand on keeping our homes affordable to live in as the years go by. Home ownership makes for stable neighborhoods.

Mac Frank