Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

September 27, 1923

Further evidence of the corn productiveness of Crook County is given by the exhibition of an ear furnished the Times office by Jesse Guidinger of Williams Divide. This ear of corn is twelve inches long and is well filled in twelve even rows. One such ear makes a nice lunch for any Berkshire and is a strong argument for the planting of corn in place of too much wheat in this country.

Dr. J. F. Clarenbach, county health officer, has been quite busy of late in vaccinating school students in compliance with a ruling of the state board of health. Dr. Clarenbach reports that it is somewhat unusual that not a single instance has come to his knowledge where the vaccination has failed to produce the required results.

Prize specimens are the order now and the latest is a mammoth pumpkin which Frank Haselton brought in from A.L. Storts' ranch Sunday. This pie-maker has a diameter of two feet and is estimated to be good for a hundred pies.

75 Years Ago

September 23, 1948

Clark Findlay Construction Co. of Buffalo has contracted to dig a ditch on 4600 feet of city water line where new six inch pipes will be laid to conduct water from Lowell Spring on the west side of Sundance mountain into the water tanks just west of town. The old three-inch pipes conducting water into town were never large enough to meet the water demand, nor to even carry the water flowing into them at the source.

Due to casualties among people especially children handling weapons brough back as souvenirs from the war, the Navy and War departments are starting a safety program to prevent further injuries. A state committee representing these agencies and the National Rifle Association has been named to direct owners of war trophies to nearest available facilities where trophies may be examined. With the owner's permission, they may be made harmless if necessary.

50 Years Ago

September 20, 1973

When the dust had settled last weekend following the NRCA rodeo finals in Miles City, Mont., Gene Griffis, Hulett, had won the all-around cowboy title. It was the third time Griffis had been named all-around at the show and he won permanent possession of the three-foot high trophy. Griffis was runner up in both saddle bronc and bareback riding. In other results, Gerald McInerney, Sundance, nailed down the steer wrestling championship.

Lee Tromble, Hulett, was re-elected president of the Crook County Farm Bureau Saturday night during the organization's annual meeting. Other CCFB officers for the coming year are John Swenson, vice president; Naomi Habeck, secretary-treasurer and Arlene Taylor, women's committee chairman.

25 Years Ago

September 24, 1998

Sundance High School's first golf team and head coach, Dave Watson, will be heading off to the State Golf Tournament at Torrington. Representing Sundance will be Tyler Watts, Chris Durfee, Joseph Cornella, Jeff Virchow and Alec Hilty.