Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

County ponies up for calf

The commissioners last week decided to compensate a couple for the loss of their calf after it was spooked by a county vehicle and died of its injuries from running into the side of the truck.

Laramie and Cheyenne Seymour approached the commission to request advice on dealing with the county’s insurers, the Local Government Liability Pool (LGLP).

According to Laramie, the couple has not been successful in requesting that LGLP cover the cost of the loss, which is estimated at around $1500.

Laramie explained that the pair had spoken with various members of county staff and were directed to approach the commission for advice.

Commissioner Kelly Dennis expressed confusion, stating that he has hit animals with his vehicle three different times in the last 20 years and in none of these cases did he consider it his fault, but his insurance company paid every time.

Commissioner Bob Latham asked if the Seymours have their own insurance. While they do, said Laramie, they are hoping to pursue LGLP because claiming through their own insurance is likely to cause an increase in their premiums.

Commissioner Fred Devish pointed out that, typically, this would be an issue handled between the two insurance companies. He suggested filing a claim and letting them go head-to-head with LGLP because, “That’s what insurance companies are for”.

If this caused an increase in premiums, he suggested taking the issue to the Wyoming Department of Insurance.

However, Latham and Dennis both stated they were not opposed to paying for the cost of the calf. A motion was passed to do so from the commission’s budget, with Devish voting against it, and the Seymours were directed to submit a voucher to the County Clerk’s Office.