Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

August 9, 1923

Sam Geary reports that a small tornado visited his locality Friday night at the head of Williams Divide. An acre or more of green timber was devastated and piled up in confusion.

The heavy rains last week washed out three bridges on the Aladdin railroad line west of the Mortenson ranch on Hay Creek. However, a little thing like that didn’t interfere with traffic on the Aladdin line. Superintendent Fred Mann has a Ford rigged up with three wheels to fit the track, and passengers, mail and express are carried to Belle Fourche from this side of the washouts.

Sunday visitors to the quarry camp in Reuter canyon, where sandstone is being mined for the high school building, rather overstepped themselves last Sunday and Bert Hutchins reports that their depredations are becoming too extensive. Tools were damaged and explosives scattered around to be spoiled by the rain. Besides the material damaged, it is dangerous to handle caps and powder without due care, and future visitors will take notice that they will be expected to let the camp alone.

75 Years Ago

August 5, 1948

Plans are nearing completion for the annual Crook County Fair to be given August 20, 21 and 22. The judges for the fair are Nels Dahlquist, agriculture and Ruth Christensen, home economics. Special entertainment for Saturday and Sunday will be the rodeo sponsored by the Saddle Club. Another added attraction this year will be a queen chosen at the parade to be given on Sunday. Chas. Roberts, Tom Zimmerschied and Todd Seeley will act as judges. Roger Thomas will crown the queen. Baseball games will be held on Saturday and Sunday. Band concerts will be given on two of the evenings, a boxing tournament will be held at the Legion hall, plus dances to be giving following the boxing.

50 Years Ago

August 2, 1973

Tentative reopening dates for Crook County Memorial Hospital were outlined by Dr. Thomas Brown at a meeting of the hospital board Tuesday night. Dr. Brown said Aug. 15 is the tentative date for opening the hospital for emergency outpatient service. A date of Sept. 1 is set for opening the hospital for inpatient care. The hospital has been closed since July 10. Both Dr. Brown and acting hospital administrator Charles Wilson said the hospital opening depends on completing the hospital staff.

Jim Lawrence, 23, of Casper is the new Highway Patrolman for the Sundance area. Lawrence, serving his first assignment on the patrol, was formerly on the police force at Glenrock. Lawrence and his wife Becky have one son, Sean age 2. They are presently living in the Gretchen Olson house across from the Aro Café. Lawrence replaces Bill Conley on the patrol for this area.

25 Years Ago

August 6, 1998

Candidates from Crook County are gearing up for the Primary Election to be held Tuesday. This year there are forty-five candidates running for the various county and city offices. Those running for the four-year term of County Commissioner are: Merle Clark, Perry Livingston, Anita Fish and Joel Morgan, all Republicans. Those Democrats running are: Stanton Dodson and George Willey. Those running for two-year term of County Commissioner are: Jonathan Saturen, Robert Smoot and Mark Semlek. The race for the office of Justice of the Peace should prove to be interesting with six candidates running for the position. Those running are: Mary Garman, Robert Hegge II, Jeanette Pfeifer, Doug Griffis, Jerry Orcutt and the incumbent, Ronald Waugh.

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