Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Red, white and blue on green

Tim Tonak, superintendent of the Sundance Country Club, says it's been a wet start to the year, for which the club is thankful because the pump controller has been out of service.

"We've had some difficulties with leaks and are working with the city and state to do improvements to the water system in the future," he says. "We have also been working hard to improve our grounds with clearing dead trees, bushes and lots of trimming."

Help has been on hand from C4 Excavation and Jerry Olsen on cart path improvements and the City of Sundance's Public Works Department on a broken water main, while Tonak says the club is looking forward to some assistance from Wilson Power and Tree Service with some overgrown trees.

"We are in need of donations for additional junipers and trees, along with any funding to help our water system project," he says. "We, as the grounds crew and superintendent, would like to thank the board and shareholders of Sundance Country Club, along with the community for their ongoing support. We hope to see you all out for a round of golf this summer."