Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Card of Thanks

Disabled veterans annual deer hunt suspended for 2023

In conjunction with Wyoming Game and Fish Department, the Hunting with Heroes Wyoming board of directors have suspended most of their annual disabled veterans hunts for 2023. Based on the Wyoming Game and Fish decision to reduce total license numbers and in some areas shorten the season lengths, the Hunting with Heroes Wyoming board of directors have chosen to suspend the annual Veterans Day disabled veterans deer hunt.

Hunting with Heroes Wyoming would like to publicly thank all of our local business sponsors, volunteers and our generous ranch owners for your amazing support in past years. It is our hope that, with the help of Mother Nature, our wildlife populations will rebound so that we can resume our disabled veterans annual deer hunt next year.

Thank you all for your awesome support of our disabled servicemen and women!

May God Bless each of you!

Terry Wilkerson

Hunting with Heroes Wyoming volunteer