Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

May 3, 1923

The Custer Battlefield Hiway was reported open the entire route Tuesday. The Carlile-Sundance section, the last to be freed of snow, has been dragged throughout and is in fair condition. The only bad stretch reported is between Whitewood and Sturgis.

Lawrence Good has made another step into Sundance business circles, and is now proprietor of the Hotel Garage, formerly conducted by G.S. Riply. Lawrence will conduct the repair shop, run the livery barn and also keep up freight transportation business, and may be pretty much occupied at times.

Several baseball fans put on a short practice game on the local diamond Sunday. It is time Sundance woke up on ball and put a team out to enter the Black Hills league. The team lacks only the man on the mound – who wants to pitch?

75 Years Ago

April 29, 1948

Jesse Browder, Beulah soldier, who gave his life in the services of his country on the beach of Normandy will be laid to rest in the Beulah cemetery this coming Sunday with full military rites following services at Spearfish that day. Browder, who was killed in France June 11, 1944, is the son of Mrs. Mildred Mathews of Beulah. Jesse is the second soldier from this county to be returned here for burial following burial in overseas cemetery.

Miss Ruth Frolander has accepted a contract to teach the 5th and 6th grades in Sundance next fall and winter. Mrs. Gene Reynolds, who taught Home Economics in the Sundance high school for three years several years ago, has informed the board that she will accept a contract to again teach home economics in the high school this coming year.

In an impressive but simple ceremony Saturday at Gillette, in the Episcopal church, Loretta Dale O’Haver and Billy Durfee were united in marriage by the Reverend A.G. Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Durfee left immediately following the ceremony for Denver, Colorado for a short honeymoon.

50 Years Ago

April 26, 1973

Sundance High School band members will participate in the district music festival at Gillette Friday and Saturday. Sundance soloists will be: Karol Stoltz, flute; Marilyn Mosely, Debbie Morris and Cindy Sprague, clarinet; Shannon Lee, bass clarinet; Debbie Popham, tenor sax; Jill Allen and Sandy Bernd, French horn; and Randy Humphrey, Louis Morris and Howie Allen, cornet. Members of the clarinet quartet will be Ellen Pickerd, Jan Cressman, Cindy Sprague and Debbie Morris.

25 Years Ago

April 30, 1998

Jerry Peterson of Sundance, a senior mechanical engineering student at South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, was one of the Mini-Baja drivers when SDSM&T’s team competed in the recent Mini-Baja West Competition. The team won the sales presentation event and finished 9th overall out of 55 teams.

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