Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

CCMSD ready to create foundation

Crook County Medical Services District is ready to form its own internal fundraising foundation, having given the nod of approval to a completed set of bylaws.

The board decided this was necessary after disagreements with the Crook County Medical Foundation (CCMF) over the Red Bluffs Clinic, which led trustees to feel that the goals of the two entities no longer aligned. Offering a contract to Campbell County Health was, to some, a clear demonstration that the foundation’s mandate is to support healthcare in the county, rather than CCMSD itself.

Board members expressed concern that someone who donated money to the foundation, intending it to be directed towards CCMSD, might not realize that there was nothing compelling the foundation to actually spend it on district needs.

Board Attorney Kara Ellsbury was directed at the end of 2021 to begin the legal process of setting up a foundation within CCMSD itself that would have a mandate focused solely on the district.

This included setting up the foundation’s tax selections and provisions, registering with the Wyoming Secretary of State and creating a set of bylaws.

Last week, Ellsbury presented a final draft of those bylaws.

“I believe that it encompasses all the revisions that we’ve discussed on various occasions,” Ellsbury said.

“At this point, what I’m looking for is…a consensus to proceed.”

Ellsbury was not looking for the board’s official approval of the bylaws, as this will be a task for the foundation itself.

“Those bylaws will actually be approved by the foundation board and those interim directors,” she said.

The board agreed that the bylaws, with all revisions made, meet with their approval and the district is ready to proceed with creating the desired foundation.