Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” – John 14:6

Truth. Not something we desire it to be or can fabricate on our own. It is the necessity of living from and for, yet many attempt to skirt, bend and circumvent (lie).

In dealing with truth there is the realization of fullness, goodness and soundness. It is the standard of life, given by the Creator of the universe. It is one small word but contains the largeness for living.

Definition from the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary: Truth:

1. The body of real things, events and facts: ACTUALITY.

2. The state of being the case: FACT.

3. A transcendent fundamental or spiritual: REALITY.

Truth is the unbending and solid unconditional love desired by all. Yet so many attempt to redefine through personal preference and feelings. Subjective (changing) instead of objective (verifiable) and solid.

Truth can be difficuIt, is no respecter of persons and will stand on its own. Truth must be individually owned.

Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding. – Proverbs 23:23

Truth is both boundless and motionless. It is not fleeting, but foundational. It exists as a standard from which all the world is consistently operating. It cannot be changed, moved or marginalized.

Its power and importance is realized in the following statement: “The Devil will sell you one thousand truths to get you to buy one lie.”

Anyone and everyone have an opinion. Yet, there exists only ONE truth.

God entered into this world as the established Truth. Not subject to interpretation, only individual acceptance, and obedience. The Bible does not call us to take a leap of faith, it calls us to walk in the light (Truth).

Do not live in the shadow of truth, step in the Light of Jesus Christ and accept His free gift of salvation. It is factual, actual and very real and absolutely necessary.

The faith of our fathers is solid ground: Christianity is the accurate representation of the nature of reality.

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free – John 8:32