Final Acceptance
Crook County, Wyoming
Dust Mitigation Project
Notice of Final Acceptance
To all persons, corporations or firms who have any claim for work done for or any materials furnished to Dustbusters, Inc. at PO Box 15, Evanston, WY 82931 for the Crook County Dust Suppression Project, located in Crook County, Wyoming.
You are hereby notified that Crook County has accepted as completed, according to plans and specifications and rules set forth in the Agreement between the County and the aforementioned Contractor, the work in connection with Crook County Dust Suppression Project and that said Contractor is entitled to final settlement.
You are further notified that upon November 3, 2022, Crook County paid to Dustbusters, Inc., the full amount due under said Contract, and in the event that your claim is not filed with said Crook County, Wyoming prior to January 31, 2023, the same shall be waived.
This notice is given pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-6-116.
Dated this the 9th day of November 2022. Morgan Ellsbury, Crook County Road & Bridge Superintendent.
Crook County, Wyoming.
Publish: November 17 and 24, 2022