Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

July 20, 1922

A straw vote was held at city hall last Wednesday to allow citizens to express their preference of a site for the new high school building. The vote resulted 56 in favor of the block east of the courthouse, and 40 for the old site.

The cyclone which swept through the Four Corner’s vicinity last week caused quite a bit of damage. It nearly demolished Curt Elliot’s house which is near Four Corners, also took the other buildings off of the premises. All of the windows of the Four Corners store were broken, John Cool’s house turned around, nobody being hurt but badly scared. A little further on Dick Rawhauser’s house was turned over and the children were quite badly burned. Mrs. Rawhauser suffered a broken arm.

75 Years Ago

July 17, 1947

One hour each day, 7 to 8 p.m., has been designated as the time when everyone in Sundance may irrigate, A.B. Durfee, mayor, announced Tuesday. This plan of irrigation will be used until further notice and Ward Cure, water commissioner, declared that “if everyone will cooperate this hour can probably be used for irrigation for the rest of the summer.”

Laramie – That the ‘flying discs’ are a new type of jet aircraft under Army experimentation was the opinion expressed today by a University of Wyoming scientist. The professor, who requested that he remained unnamed, said that if the Army and Navy did not know the nature of the flying discs, pursuit planes would be attempting to trace the mysterious objects. He discounted the theory that the discs were the psychological results of suggestion.

50 Years Ago

July 20, 1972

The Crook County parade committee met at the Aladdin Store on Tuesday to finalize plans for the 1972 parade to be held in Sundance on Saturday, August 12. The theme for the parade will be Fifty Years of Fair, and all organizations and clubs are invited to enter a float to commemorate this anniversary. Parade Marshall will be Amos Ewing with Straiter Clark, assistant marshal.

An invitational stock car race by the Moorcroft Racing Association opened their new speedway July 4. The newly opened track is located one-half mile north of Moorcroft on the Kummerfeld ranch. They have 125 feet of bleachers for the audience and are currently expanding the parking area. The association is a new group with Kummerfeld as president; Don Fuller, vice-president; and Royce Hefner, secretary. The board of directors includes Richard Smith, Ancil Sisson and Gilbert Gill.

25 Years Ago

July 24, 1997

Karen Glover, who has served as Crook County Treasurer for 32 years, will retire on August 1. Karen began her career in the treasurer’s office in 1958 where she worked as a clerk for Paul Yeoman, the Crook County Treasurer at the time. Upon Yeoman’s death in 1965, she was appointed to the position and has been reelected each election since.

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