Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Public Service Commission


The Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission) hereby gives notice of Powder River Energy Corporation’s (PRECorp or Cooperative) Application for authority to revise its Street Lighting Tariff to update the terms of service, add a Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting size to and close new service to the existing non-LED lighting option to new service.

PRECorp is a public utility as defined by Wyo. Stat. § 37-l-101(a)(vi)(C), subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-112.

2. On July 13 2022, PRECorp filed an Application requesting authority to revise its Street Lighting Tariff to update the terms of service, add a Light Emitting Diode (LED) lighting size to and close new service to the existing non-LED lighting option to new service. The Cooperative intends to discuss changeover to LED systems with members still utilizing high-pressure sodium lighting systems.

3. The Cooperative states it is requesting this change due to LED streetlight technology having several advantages over non-LED streetlight systems, including longer lifespan, less heat emissions, more directional lighting for roadway illumination, low maintenance costs, low operation cost, and adjustable brightness.

4. This is not a complete description of PRECorp’s Application. Interested persons may inspect the Application at the Commission’s offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during regular business hours or at: (enter Record No. 17110).

5. Anyone desiring to file a public comment, statement, intervention petition, protest or to request for hearing in this matter must do so, on or before August 17, 2022. An intervention request must set forth its grounds, as well as the position and interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. Please mention Docket No. 10014-225-CT-22 in your communication.

6. If you wish to participate in this matter and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, call the Commission at (307) 777-7427 or at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Communications-impaired persons may contact the Commission through Wyoming Relay at 711.

Publish: July 21 and 28, 2022

Rendered 09/08/2024 03:03