Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Council hears of active month

The City of Sundance has seen several improvements over the last few weeks, the council heard at Tuesday’s regular meeting. The ice skating ring is now back, while the new movie screen in Sundance Square that was donated by the Sundance Chamber of Commerce and Sundance State Bank was premiered after the tree lighting last Friday.

“With that and Old Stoney as the background, it looks fantastic,” said Mayor Paul Brooks.

Meanwhile, this year’s deer harvest was a full success, with contractor Nick Kaminski of Grainland Trapping taking the full quotient of 25 animals.

Next year, said Clerk Treasurer Kathy Lenz, he would like to aim for 50 deer. The city has never asked for a permit for that many animals, said Brooks, but he wouldn’t be averse to doing so.

The Sundance Economic Development committee continues to work with Ben Levenger of Downtown Redevelopment on the city’s Revitalization Roadmap, funded through the Wyoming Business Council. The overall idea is to create a roadmap for the community so that, as Sundance develops, everyone involved knows where they are headed.

A final report is expected relatively soon, the council heard. Brooks commented that he is looking forward to seeing it, and added that he believes the city needs to focus on one specific element at this time in order to continue growing.

“I think the cornerstone of what we need is workforce housing more than probably anything,” he said.

Stephanie Pribilske was appointed to the economic development committee during the meeting.

According to Public Works Director Mac Erickson, the Sundance Kid water tank project is now on hold for the winter. The electrical work is done in the buildings and the imminent arrival of a pressure release valve and flow meter for the booster pump station will finish out the work that’s possible before installation of the tank.

The tank itself, said Erickson, has now been unloaded, “So it’s here at least.”

“Hopefully we’ll have an open spring so we can get the tank up,” he said.

Karla Greaser of city engineers Trihydro presented a change order for the pressure release valve and flow meter totaling $13,938, which was approved by the council along with a change order to extend Trihydro’s contract to oversee the project to September 1, 2022.

The council did not continue its discussion of a zoning change in Sundance View Estates. A property owner in the subdivision has asked to change five frontage lots that are currently zoned to be “highway business district” into “low density residential,” but a number of other subdivision residents are opposed to the change.

The intent of tabling the issue was to give people that live within that area time to address the issue, said Brooks.

“I understand they may have, but I don’t know the status,” said City Attorney Mark Hughes.

At this time, the council heard that there is a possibility subdivision residents will vote on whether to change the covenants. The question will remain tabled until January’s meeting.

The next meeting of the Sundance City Council is scheduled for January 4.

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