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Public Service Commission


Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules, the Commission hereby gives notice of Powder River Energy Corporation’s (PRECorp or the Cooperative) Application for authority to increase its Cost of Power Adjustment (COPA) by $1,386,882 per annum, effective January 1, 2022, to reflect a change in the average wholesale power costs.

1. PRECorp is a non-profit cooperative public utility as defined in Wyo. Stat. § 37-1-101(a)(vi)(C), subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-112.

2. On November 17, 2021, PRECorp submitted its Application seeking Commission approval to adjust its total COPA factors, which will result in a net change in the Cooperative’s revenues of $1,386,882 per annum, effective January 1, 2022, pursuant to Commission Rule Chapter 3, Section 26, and in accordance with the COPA procedures set forth in the Cooperative’s Billing Adjustments Tariff. The COPA is a mechanism by which the Cooperative recovers and/or returns changes in its’ wholesale power cost relative to the amount of power cost embedded in base retail rates. The Cooperative’s Application outlines the proposed COPA factors, which reflect the projected cost of power for January through December 2022 using projected billing units for the period and the applicable wholesale rates from Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin), the Cooperative’s wholesale power supplier. Basin’s rates are subject to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) approval but are not proposed to change on January 1, 2022. In the event FERC makes any adjustments to Basin’s filed rates, PRECorp proposes to address these alterations by reflecting the changes in its balancing account. Additionally, the proposed COPA factors reflect the reconciliation of the COPA revenue for the months of October 2020 through September 2021, and the accrual of interest on any over-recovered balances during the true-up period.

3. The COPA factors proposed in this application and the resulting change in revenue are listed below:


COPA Factor Proposed

COPA Factor Change in Revenue

All Rate Classes except LP-TOU Transmission, LPT and LPT-CBM $(0.001203) $0.000791 $1,648,830

LPT-CM $0.000275 $0.000022 $(216,902)

LPT-CBM $0.008100 $0.000041 $(35,729)

LP-TOU Transmission $0.001561 $0.000634 $(9,317)

4. This is not a complete description of the Application. Interested persons may inspect the Application at the Cooperative’s business office located in Sundance, Wyoming and at the Commission’s offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during regular business hours, or online at:

5. Anyone desiring to file a statement, public comment, protest, intervention petition, or request for a public hearing in this matter must file in writing with the Commission on or before December 22, 2021. Any intervention request filed with the Commission shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing as well as the position and the interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. Please mention Docket No. 10014-221-CP-21 (Record No. 16976) in your communications.

6. If you wish to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing that you will attend, or if you wish to file a statement, public comment, or protest, and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427, or write to the Commission at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Communications-impaired persons may contact the Commission through Wyoming Relay at 711.

Dated: November 22, 2021

Publish: December 2 and 9, 2021

Rendered 01/14/2025 13:13