Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


Oct. 5

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

October 5th Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:13 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center and by conference line.


Board: Wayne Garman, Lily Altaffer, Kim Fundaun

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms Call in: Jake Blackstone, Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: Keela Deaton, NRCS District Conservationist


Conservation Field Tech update by Jake: Water sampling for the season is almost done. He is continuing BMP evaluations on previous projects; the feedback so far has been mostly positive.

The Tree program has had minimal interest resulting from the newspaper article, more outreach will need to be done to spread the word. Ms. Altaffer suggested making posters to hang at local businesses. Mr. Blackstone has contacted Lincoln Oaks and the CSU nursery for pricing and information.

NRCS Update The NRCS State Office is experiencing a lot of transition in staffing. The vaccination mandate still has no clear guidance, the religious accommodation deadline is October 18. Ms. Deaton advised District staff to prepare an exemption if they wish to file one.

FSA Update FSA is conducting interviews and will be hiring a CED shortly.

Program Update by Carmen

Water quality updates Water quality monitoring results were provided for review and results were discussed. Jake and Carmen had the DEQ Audit on September 13, and it went well. A few suggestions were given that will be followed, but we also need to be considerate to our budget and holding times. Carmen would like to build something to measure flow on its own. When Jake completes Module 1, he will be certified for water sampling. Quarterly reporting is due by the end of the month and she is working on this now. Three grants will close over the next three months, with the WDA grant closing at the end of October.

Application for Payment A motion to approve the application for payment was made by Ms, Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.

Program Update Sarah has been working on forest delineations for Weston and Campbell County. She will be looking for foresters interested in providing forest stewardship plans. She has not heard back on any previously submitted proposals yet. Quarterly reporting is due at the end of October. She has been taking applications for thinning in the Pine Ridge road area. CAFA has one forestry project left to complete and close out the grant.

Office Manager Update Bridget has completed 2 subdivision reviews to be approved at this meeting and working on 2 more that will be approved in November. She received 1 call and 3 emails about the tree program and put the information into a spreadsheet. For the electronics recycling program, it appears all bills have been received and one invoice from Hulett yet to be received. This year was the first year we did not lose money offering this service, due to the support received by the sponsors in the community. Bridget has been working with Ketel Thorstenson to complete the Agreed Upon Procedures- Proof of Cash. The preliminary report is no findings. This is due October 31 to Department of Audit. A motion to sign the Local Government Annual Report Summary and Internal Control Evaluation forms was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.

Local Issues ONEOK Sarah has had several more phone calls from landowners along the pipeline regarding reclamation issues. No one received the letter that was prepared by ONEOK. ONEOK is on the agenda at the Commissioner’s meeting tomorrow and she will attend the meeting.

Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried. All checks were signed. The bank statement was opened by Ms. Altaffer and the Quickbooks reconciliation report prepared by Bridget was reviewed and signed.

Approve September 7th Minutes A motion to approve the September 7 minutes as presented was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.

Board Vacancy The urban board vacancy remains, a candidate is still being sought.


Lofty Ridge Estates Subdivision Review was presented by Bridget. A motion to approve the Lofty Ridge Estates Subdivision Review was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried

Gordon Subdivision No 1 Review was presented by Bridget. A motion to approve the Gordon Subdivision No. 1 Review was made by Ms. Altaffer and seconded by Mr. Fundaun. Motion carried.


Ms. Altaffer brought up some ideas for conservation articles for the paper and asked the Board for more ideas.

Motion to adjourn was made at 3:23 pm by Mr. Fundaun.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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