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Public Service Commission


Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, Wyo. Stat. § 37-1-101(a)(vi)(E) and its Procedural Rules and Special Regulations, the Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission), hereby gives notice that Beulah Land Water, LLC., (Beulah Water or the Company) has filed an Application requesting a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) for its existing and future customers in Beulah Land Estates, Redwater Estates, and certain adjacent lands in Crook County, Wyoming. (Application).

1. Beulah Water is a public utility as defined by Wyo. Stat. § 37-1-101(a)(vi)(E), subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 37-2-112.

2. Beulah Water filed the above docketed Application on September 17, 2021, seeking a CPCN for its current service territory. The Company states that the territory for which the CPCN is requested is currently served by the Company, and that the operation of the facilities in the territory is necessary in the ordinary course of business.

3. The Application details the legal description of the property which is located in Sections 30 and 34, T.53N., R 60W., 6th P.M. Crook County, Wyoming, which is a rural development with a density of 1 home per 5 acres. The Company states that its request accurately reflects its service territory and is in the public interest.

4. This is not a complete description of the Application. Interested persons may inspect the Application at Beulah Water’s offices or at the Commission’s offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming during regular business hours. The Application may also be viewed on the Commission’s data management system at

5. Anyone wishing to file a petition for leave to intervene, a statement, protest or request for a public hearing in this matter must do so in writing filed with the Commission on or before October 29, 2021. Any intervention request filed with the Commission shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing as well as the position and the interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. Please mention Docket No. 80032-1-WN-21 (Record No.15940) in all correspondence.

6. If you wish to participate in this proceeding and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, call the Commission at (307) 777-7427 or write to the Public Service Commission, 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Communications-impaired persons may contact the Commission through Wyoming Relay at 711.

Dated: September 29, 2021.

Publish: October 7 and 14, 2021

Rendered 09/04/2024 07:23