Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Card of Thanks

Our Thanks

The Silver Spurs 4-H Club would like to thank Crook County Fair Board for putting on the 2020 Fair. Your dedication and hard work is greatly appreciated.

We would also like to thank fair superintendents, fair volunteers, judges, Sundance State Bank for their continued support during the Jr. Livestock Sale, Crook County Jr. Livestock Committee, the BBQ, all the livestock buyers and donors that donated towards the Crook County Fair and Youth Livestock Sale, Brian Kennah, Hugh Jenkins, Brian Neiman, Wade Crawford, DVM, Mark McNamee and ring men during the sale, Big Horn Beverage and Sundance State Bank for keeping everyone hydrated and for anyone that we have missed.

Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Silver Spurs 4-H Club

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