Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884



Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on the proposed budget for Crook County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022, which is now being considered by the Board of Crook County Commissioners, will be held in the Crook County Commissioner’s Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming, on the 15th day of July 2021 at 9:00 o’clock a.m., at which time any and all persons interested may appear and be heard respecting such budget. A summary of such proposed budget follows:


Fund Total Cash Available for Budget Total Estimated Revenue Available for Budget Uncommitted Restricted Revenue Balances Estimated Total Cash and Revenues Estimated Total Requirements for Appropriations Estimate of Tax Requirements Amount Mill Levy


General Fund 9,185,404.25 7,505,358.38 2,808,243.68 13,882,518.95 15,963,340.11 2,080,821.16 9.432

County Fair 100,812.57 7,072.00 0.00 107,884.57 187,977.69 80,093.12 0.363

County Library 85,000.77 89,300.00 0.00 174,300.77 660,934.36 486,633.59 2.205

Weed & Pest 55,000.00 548,250.00 0.00 603,250.00 823,862.00 220,612.00 1.000

W & P Special Management 432,850.00 481,700.00 0.00 914,550.00 1,135,162.00 220,612.00 1.000

Details of General Fund Requirements:

  Tentative MISCELLANEOUS: *Other General Accounts   Tentative

County Commissioners 165,280.00 Salary Public Health Officer   840.00

County Clerk 245,962.53 Supplies 6,000.00

County Treasurer 255,005.53 Postage: Freight 0.00

County Assessor 252,476.60 Maintenance; Repairs; Rental Fee   4,300.00

County Sheriff 966,086.56 Dues Waco Dues 600.00

County Attorney 258,451.00 Unemployment 5,000.00

County Coroner 41,240.00 Publishing 20,000.00

Extension Department 79,779.00 Fica 210,000.00

District Court 120,994.47 Liability Insurance:Auto Comp   112,000.00

County Facilities 410,650.22 County License Plates 100.00

Road and Bridge 2,726,937.18 Workers Compensation 80,000.00

E911 Services 140,405.02 Premium on Bonds 2,000.00

Jail 517,249.12 Audit 35,000.00

Elections 28,640.00 Radio;Radio Repair 20,000.00

Health Nurse 177,950.00 Wyoming Retirement 610,000.00

Special Services 95,167.00 Health Insurance 650,000.00

*Other General Accounts 1,935,394.37 Postage-Circuit Court 3,000.00

Fire Fund Donations 112,500.41 Courthouse Pop Machine Revenue 1,052.21

Capital Improvement Fund 219,947.91 Property Insurance Deductible   15,000.00

Fire 198,220.00 Computer Maint./Repairs/Internet   100,000.00

County Road Fund 590,654.88 Monthly Phone Fees 38,000.00

Court Costs 129,884.32 Document Disposal 2,000.00

Growth & Development 129,357.15 War Memorial Fund 5,502.16

Abandoned Vehicles 4,000.00 BuyBack Program 15,000.00

Emergency Management 11,420.00

Federal Grants 1,083,009.10 Board of County Commissioners of

State Grants 133,850.38 Crook County Wyoming

Haul Road Restoration 560,033.09 Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman

TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11,590,545.84 Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman

Emergency Reserve 1,362,493.13 Fred M. Devish, Member

Depreciation Reserve 410,301.14

Cash Reserve 2,600,000.00 Publish: July 8, 2021


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