Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884



Wednesday, March 25, 2020

11:00 o’clock a.m. Present for the special meeting were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish (per conference call) and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

Present for the special meeting were Mary Kuhl, Larry Schommer and Theresa Curren and by conference call were Joe Baron, April Gill, Bob Latham, Becky Tinsley, Tina Wood, Melanie Wilmer, Ed Robinson, Jeff Hodge, Misty Nuzum and Dr. Larsen.

Discussion was held to clarify access into the Courthouse by the public. Upon the recommendation of Homeland Security Deputy Director Leland Christiansen and County Health Officer Dr. Larsen, Jeanne moved to approve the following resolution and for the County Clerk to use Fred’s facsimile stamp:




WHEREAS Resolution 2020-8 was passed on March 18, 2020 limiting access to the courthouse and other county facilities and there is a need for further limitations; and

WHEREAS Wyoming Statute 18-3-103 (b) states that “All county officers shall keep their offices open during the usual business hours of each day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, legal holidays and other days as established by the county commissioners through resolution;” and

WHEREAS Wyoming Statute 18-2-103 states that “each county shall provide and maintain a suitable courthouse, jail and other necessary county buildings;” and

WHEREAS this resolution will repeal and supersede Resolution 2020-8 until further order of the Board; and

WHEREAS the reasons for this limitation on access have been set forth in Resolution No. 2020-7 Emergency Declaration;

IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming that it is essential that the Crook County government continue to provide services throughout this COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2) pandemic crisis, effective March 25, 2020, and continuing until further notice, and that:

Access to the offices, Fire Halls, and facilities of Crook County including the Courthouse will be limited to conducting regular business with the public by employees, Department heads and elected officials solely through mail, email, and telephone, except by appointment wherein if a particular department head or elected official determines a face to face meeting is necessary to conduct business, that meeting shall be held outside of the County building with the Crook County Commissioners, Clerk, Fire Warden, Treasurer, Assessor, Growth & Development Office, Extension Office, Fair, County Libraries, Weed & Pest Office, Attorney, Road & Bridge and the Museum. Under no circumstance shall any member of the public be allowed access to any County building. Furthermore, only the door on the north side of the building will remain open to employees and all other authorized and medically screened contractors.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the courthouse will remain open to provide essential services as determined by the Wyoming Supreme Court and local judges. The public has been excluded from the Circuit and District Courtroom by Court Order. The Crook County Clerk of District Court and Circuit Court will remain open to the public and will continue to conduct regular business through mail, email, and telephone, and prefer an appointment wherein the particular court shall determine if face to face is necessary to conduct business. This resolution will repeal and supersede Resolution 2020-8 until further order of the Board.

The Crook County Sheriff will continue to operate as deemed necessary by the Sheriff and the Public Health office shall continue to operate as deemed necessary by the County Health Nurse.

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all COVID-19 response questions and requests for information are to be directed to the Public Health Emergency Operations Center at (307)283-1142, [email protected], [email protected] and/or [email protected] . Pertinent public updates will be shared via Facebook.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that situations involving a pandemic can be unpredictable. More restrictive exceptions may be made to this policy on a case-by-case basis in order to accomplish the mission of Crook County and to insure the safety of our employees, department heads, and elected officials. This policy shall remain in place until further notice.

Motion made, seconded and carried in an open special meeting on March 25, 2020.

Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A.

Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member.

State of Wyoming }

County of Crook }

Signed or attested before me on March 25, 2020 by Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman, Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman and Fred M. Devish, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.

Linda Fritz, Crook County Clerk

Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

A special meeting has been scheduled for April 2, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. to further discuss the pandemic and to decide what future action may need to be taken.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00 o’clock p.m. to meet in regular on April 7 and 8, 2020 at 8:30 o’clock a.m., in the Commissioner Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming.

Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman

Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman

Fred M. Devish Member

Attested: Linda Fritz, County Clerk

Publish: April 2, 2020