Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Decker's wins label collection contest

Over 1400 stores across 16 states participated in a contest to collect Our Family brand labels this year, but only ten were selected to win the $500 top prize. Decker's Market in Sundance was among those ten winners – and was also the sole Wyoming retail establishment on the list.

The Direct Your Labels program is intended to help local schools and nonprofit organizations. Community members save and contribute barcodes from cans, boxes and bottles with the Our Family brand.

Decker's Market has supported the fundraiser for many years and, to date, the program as a whole has raised over $1.5 million.

On Thursday, manager Steve Lambert was thrilled to present Principal Brian Hartwig, Sundance Elementary School, with the winning check for $500. The store runs the program as part of its commitment to giving back to its local communities.

Hartwig, thanking him for the contribution the program has made, commented that this will be the gift that keeps on giving. The school intends to use those funds in Decker's Market to purchase supplies such as snacks for the students.

The elementary school strongly supports the program, Hartwig said. In fact, the class that collects the most labels now gets the opportunity to soak their principal in a dunk tank at the end of the year.

Decker's Market was among ten winners, alongside three schools from Minnesota, one school and a church from Michigan, two schools from North Dakota and one school district each from Iowa and Indiana.