Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


City of Sundance

August 6, 2024

The Town Council met this day in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in Sundance Council Chambers with Mayor Paul Brooks presiding. Roll call was taken by Mayor Paul Brooks with Council Members, Randy Stevenson, Callie Hilty, Brad Marchant, and Joe Wilson present.



21 Electric Water Electric Maint $105.00

AT & T Water Misc $107.85

Caselle Inc Computer Support $1421.00

City Clerk Treasurer Admin Misc $36.00

Crook County Sheriff PS Contract $26,309.08

CW Waste Garbage Gate Fee, Garbage Recycling $17,601.53

Deborah King Admin Janitorial $1400.00

Family Dollar Store #32585 Customer Deposits Payable $51.70

Hawkins Chlorine Supply $30.00

Hughes, Mark Hughe Admin City Attorney Retainer $2500.00

Marco Admin copy machine $349.55

Northern Truck Equipment Corp Garbage Equip Maint $114.99

Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc Water Supplies $1084.32

Powder River Energy Admin-Electricity, Street Lights, Tennis Courts, Softball, Water Electricity, Sewer Electricity, Garbage Electricity, Swimming Pool, Fire Electricity, Ambulance Electricity, Parks Electricity $12,977.30

Range Telephone Admin Telephone, Fire Telephone, Garbage/Landfill, Public Safety, Water Internet, Ambulance, Pool $722.09

Rolling Metal Shop Gas, Fire Fuel $1148.85

Servall Uniform/Linen Co. Admin Janitorial $206.09

Slattery Enterprises Softball Toilet, Special Programs Rental $826.42

Sundance Hardware & Sporting Goods Shop Supplies, Water Misc, Pool Supplies, Park System Repair $487.79

The Sundance Times Admin Advertising, Garbage/Landfill Advertising $1096.00

Timberline Services Inc Street Equip $6277.77

Tracy Motor Parks Maint, Shop Tools $409.69

Trihydro Water 3rd Street $47,602.41

U.S. Postal Service $360.54

Visa #5219 Admin Computer Support, Babe Ruth, Pool System Repairs $1466.80

Visa #6811 Council Travel & Training, Pool Supplies, Sports Equip $774.89

Volunteer Firemen’s Pension Fund Fire Dept Retirement $262.50

Western Assoc of Municipalities Assoc Dues $1644.91

Western Stationers Office Improvement $474.86

Western Water Consultants Inc -Water Ryant Street $306.75

Payroll Administration, Maintenance, Payroll $53,013.82

BC/BS Health Insurance $13,126.65

City off Sundance Flex Share $537.80

EFTPS $14,253.63

Great-West Trust Deferred Comp $400.00

NCPERS Life In $128.00

Sundance State Bank Direct Deposit $7.59

Symetra Long Term Disability $347.42

Wyoming Retirement System $7619.59

Wyoming Workers Compensation $2104.74

TOTAL $219,695.92

Approve Minutes of the City Council Regular Meeting of July 2, 2024, as published. Approve the July adjustment report. Approve the July Paid Invoice report. Approve the August Unpaid Invoice Report. Catering Permit – Pokey’s BBQ and Sundance Rodeo Club. MOTION CARRIED (per consent agenda).



Kammerer Subdivision

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to have the City Attorney draw up another draft agreement trading sewer work for 9 sewer taps to review at the next meeting for approval. COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON friendly motion to leave asphalt/road verbage the same as Public Works Director Erickson and Josh Kammerer discussed. COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Metz Addition Sewer Main Extension

No motion made. Trihydro estimated project total to be $334,115.


Land Use and Planning Minutes of July 29, 2024

COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON SECONDED a motion to approve the July 29, 2024 Land Use Meeting Minutes pulling items A and B. Only pulling items A and B for additional information. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

A. Barbara Edwards Sign information for Peak Motion 405 East Main Street

B. Alycia Conroy Shed 133 High Mile Road

C. Charles Cook Lean-to Roof Addition 411 E Warren Street

D. Kent Massie Shop/House TBD Frontage Road

E. Kelly Proctor Garage 416 East Oak Street

F. Alice Willey Patio awning 5 Mountain View Drive

G. Joseph Penning Fence 210 East Thompson Street

Cheryl Bullock – Kerry Littke Property 813 S 5th Street Water Shutoff

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion for Mac and, if needed, the Trihydro Engineers to try and figure out the cheapest way to put in the valve to shut off the Littke trailer water. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Crook County Natural Resource District – Electronic Recycling Event

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY SECONDED a motion to approve $1,000 for the Crook County Natural Resource District for their Electronic Recycling Event. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Ordinance 2, 2024 – No Parking Zone East Sewell Street


24-Hour Catering Permits

COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER WILSON SECONDED a motion to approve all three Catering Permits for the Dime Horseshoe. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.


COUNCIL MEMBER HILTY MOVED, COUNCIL MEMBER STEVENSON SECONDED a motion for Mac to contact the bank to see what all is involved with installing a water filling station at the Sundance Square Park. All Ayes, MOTION CARRIED.

Patrice Patterson talked about the 1100 block of Sewell Street being closed to parking and the untruths in the newspaper. Patterson is now in compliance and is parking off of the street.

Cheryl Bullock was representing Kerry Littke and asked that something be done in order for the water to be shut off at the curb stop for 813 South 5th Street for a possible leak.

Bridget Helms, Natural Resource District, spoke about their yearly Electronic Recycling event that will happen on September 7, 2024 from 10-12pm. She requested $1,000 from the council to help with the event and said that both banks in town also gave contributions. The truck will take everything back to Billings with them.

Josh Kammerer spoke to the council about the Cost Share Agreement for the Kammerer Subdivision. Would like to swap 9 sewer taps for infrastructure. DEQ permit has been submitted.


Crook County Sheriff Deputy, Josh Throckmorton, reported that things have slowed down in Sundance and reported 91 incidents for July. Deputies Lenz and Throckmorton have a few leads on the theft that happened in town a couple of weeks ago. The Sheriff’s office is having a Public Safety Night on August 15th. They will be showing the animated movie, The Bad Guys, at Sundance Square, serving walking tacos and kids and adults will have the opportunity to explore the Sheriff’s Office along with the Search and Rescue Equipment.

Mac Erickson, Public Works Director, reported on the publication of bids for the 3rd Street project. Prebid meeting will be August 15th and bids are due August 27th. Would like to work on a city-wide crack sealing project for the future. Will be working on bidding out another pickup that was prepared for in the City budget this fall. Only have about 180 addresses left to find out if they have lead or galvanized pipes. Currently the city only has 13 galvanized lines so far. The pool has a leak and the heater burned out. They are in the process of trying to find the location of the leak.

Ryan Christiansen, Trihydro, reported that the landfill monitoring is ongoing. So far six prime contractors are on the list for bidding on the 3rd Street Project.

Jeremy Holt, Economic Development, will be meeting next Monday to vote on the signing of the SS4A Grant Agreement. Met with Richard Duran from the State of Wyoming and he was very helpful in what needed to be done on the RFP.

Theresa Curren, Clerk Treasurer, reported that the State of Wyoming has a new Grants Management Office and all of the office personnel attended two webinars concerning grants. We are currently working on a Sundance Needs Assessment, including needing to find grants for an updated 2008 Community Assessment and a new Master Plan. Received a suggestion from the Sundance Chamber of Commerce to install a water bottle filling station by the concessions building in Sundance Square Park. Swimming lessons are finished for the summer and the last day the pool will be opened is Friday, August 16, 2024. Will be attending an ARPA Webinar on what happens between now and the deadline of October 1, 2024 for the 3rd Street Project.

Mark Hughes, City Attorney, worked on the Cost Share Agreement between the Kammerer Subdivision and the City and Ordinance 2, 2024 – No Parking 1100 block of Sewell Street.

Joe Wilson, Councilmember, reported that he will be helping to interview candidates on Friday in Casper for the Executive Director of WAM. He also went to the NEWY meeting in Sheridan for Region 2 of WAM. They spoke about getting more liquor licenses for towns and hotel taxes.

Meeting adjourned 7:25p.m.

Mayor Paul Brooks


ATTEST: City Clerk Theresa Curren

Publish: August 15, 2024

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