Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

PRECorp walking taco booth to aid veteran support groups

Quilts of Valor, Hunting with Heroes and Devils Tower Post 4311 to benefit from funds raised on Aug. 7

PRECorp employee volunteers will once again be raising funds with a walking taco booth the corner of the Crook County Courthouse lawn, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally “Burnout Wednesday” at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, August 7.

The booth will feature the same menu of a bag of nacho chips, hot taco fixings and bottled water, affordably priced to encourage sales and support for the local charitable work of Veteran support groups.

Last year, PRECorp raised more than $2500 each for long-term and palliative care at Crook County Medical Services District, and Sundance Kid Prints daycare.

A similar goal is se...