Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884


Nov. 1

Crook County Natural Resource District (CCNRD)

November 1st Regular Board Meeting Minutes

CALL MEETING TO ORDER at 12:03 pm by Chairman Wayne Garman at the Sundance USDA Service Center.


Board: Wayne Garman, Kim Fundaun, Wanda Burget (by phone), Lily Altaffer joined at 12:23pm

Employees: Sarah Anderson, Bridget Helms, Jessica Halverson, Call in: Carmen Horne-McIntyre

Guests: Casey Devish, Bob Latham


Water Quality Program Updates Carmen presented the sampling season data overview and briefly discussed the numbers. She will prepare a summary for the joint board meeting early next year. Carmen has been working on quarterly reports and the NACD MOA review. She asked for suggestions on location and dates for the joint board meeting. The closeout report is in for the WDA grant. The estate planning workshop is still in the works for this winter. The Keyhole State Park toxin advisory signage was ordered and delivered. The state template for the signage was used. Jessie presented the 1155 forms for the BMP contracts signed at the last meeting and the Board signed them.

Guest Bob Latham, commissioner elect introduced himself to the Board.

Forestry Program Update Sarah Anderson hosted a site tour with the BLM on October 12th with assistant state forester and fuels program manager, as well as Jeremy Dedic (WSFD) on Pine Ridge Road area projects. WWNRT Sarah went to Newcastle on October 13th and ranked wildlife/forestry applications: Weston County funded 5 of 5 applications and Crook County funded 16 of 23 applications. Six projects were unfunded as they didn’t meet grant objectives; one was switched to a BLM hazardous fuels reduction project. Total WWNRT projects totals over 1,000 acres and $414k worth of projects. CAFA the final agreement was signed and Sarah will start advertising and send targeted letters in January.

NRCS Resolution passed in Area I & Area II—Converse County recommends meeting with Acting State Conservationist in Casper, prior to Convention. CWPP is in progress. Forest Plan Revision Our MOU was informally denied.

Office Manager Update Pricing on powder coat escape ramps has gone up. The Board raised the price of escape ramps from $35 to $40. Bridget is looking into flag type signs for our events like tree sale and electronics recycling. Civil Rights Responsibilities for partners forms from NRCS were given to the Board members and were signed. Tomorrow Jessie and Bridget will take the Toxin Advisory signs to Keyhole State Park.

Financials A motion to pay the bills was made by Lily and seconded by Kim. Motion carried. All checks were signed. Reconciliation reports prepared by Bridget were reviewed and signed.

Approve October 4th Minutes A motion to approve the October 4th meeting minutes as presented was made by Lily and seconded by Kim. Motion carried.

Tree Program Jessie is working on the order form and presented the Board with a tree list and pricing. Staff will investigate creating an online order form. The Board agreed that those who volunteered their time to help with the tree sale last year are eligible for a 10% discount on their tree purchase this year.

Compost Bins Staff will research grant funding to offset the cost of the bins and a workshop to help with success in composting. Orders aren’t due until January 2023.


Convention Possible auction items were discussed. Wayne, Kim, Bridget, Sarah, Jessie and Carmen plan to attend.

Spring Branch Reservoir An appeal letter will be drafted and emailed to the Board per suggestions from Keela.

Annual Plan of Work and Annual Report Lily made a motion to approve the Annual Report and Annual Plan of Work as presented, Kim seconded. Motion carried.

Next Board Meeting Due to State Convention, the Board decided to meet Thursday, December 1, at 12:00 pm instead of December 6.

TIME OFF REQUESTS a motion to approve time off requests was made by Kim and seconded by Lily. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Kim at 2:37 pm.

Office Manager Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

Chairman Signature:

_____________________________________________________Date: ______________

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