Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884



Monday, August 2, 2021

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

Theresa Curren, County Assessor explained the mill levy to the Board. Jeanne moved to order the following mill levy on all Crook County property as authorized by law as presented by Theresa Curren, County Assessor:




COUNTY VALUATION: $220,612,930

COUNTY VALUATION – as fixed by State Board


State Taxes Levied 12.0 Mills $2,647,355

County Taxes Levied 12.0 Mills $2,647,355

School District Taxes Levied 31.5 Mills $6,949,307

Special District Levies & Taxes

Crook County Medical Service District 3 Mills $ 661,839

Crook County Weed & Pest 1 Mill $ 220,613

Crook County W & P Special Management 1 Mill $ 220,613

Crook County Museum District 1 Mill $ 220,613

Crook County Senior Citizens Services District 1 Mill $ 220,613

Total 0100 Tax District (Rural Crook County) 62.5 Mills $13,788,308

Municipal Levies

Town of Pine Haven

Number of Mills Levied: 8

0108 Tax District

Town of Hulett

Number of Mills Levied: 8

0150 Tax District

Town of Moorcroft

Number of Mills Levied: 8

0151 Tax District

City of Sundance

Number of Mills Levied: 8 0152 Tax District

Total Municipal Mills Levied on Properties in Any Incorporated Town: 70.5 $15,553,212

Tax Districts not requesting mills (0100 Tax District):

0102 Vista West

0103 Aladdin Water District

0105 Tower Ridge Estates

0106 Sundance Canyon Ranch

0109 Kara Circle & Windy Way Service & Improvement District

9901 Crook County Irrigation District

N/A Crook County Natural Resource District

Theresa L. Curren, Crook County Assessor Dated 8-1-2021

Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred approved two letters written to Sundance State Bank for credit card authorization changes. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Jeanne moved to approve the minutes from July 6, 7, 15 & 26, 2021. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Jeanne moved to approve a Memorandum of Understanding with Not For Profit Service Providers with Crook County Family Violence and Sexual Assault Services, Inc. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Fred moved to approve an Understanding of Services with Leo Riley & Company for the auditing services for FY20/21. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Betty Lantis, Growth and Development and Karyn White, Treasurer’s Office were presented with Certificates of Appreciation for their 5 years of dedicated service to Crook County.

The following bills were presented to the Board:

Claimant-Description-Amount Allowed:

Total Wages and Telephone Stipend-$219,672.83;AFLAC-Insurance-$2,575.48;Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming-Health Insurance-$68,676.00;Clerk of the District Court-Garnishment-$413.00;Col. Life & Accident Ins. Co.-Insurance-$48.07;Crook County Payroll Tax Account-Withholding & Social Security-$65,872.80;Delta Dental of Wyoming-Dental Insurance-$2,773.00;Great-West Trust Company, LLC-Deferred Compensation-$2,150.00;NCPERS Wyoming-Life Insurance-$160.00;New York Life Insurance Company-Life Insurance-$607.96;VSP-Vision Insurance-$772.48;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$8,949.71;Wyoming Retirement System-Retirement-$50,986.22;Wyoming Educator’s Benefit Trust-Life Insurance-$229.84;”R” Place Bar & Grill-Meals for Pine Haven Fire-$100.00;3D Specialties Inc-Signs-$1,296.42;A & B Business Inc-Copy Charge-$506.73;A & I Distributors-Oil-$1,118.40;All Around Hardware-Parts-$263.61;Alsco-Shop & Courthouse Supplies-$326.97;American Solutions for Business-Envelopes-$247.81;Architectural Specialties, LLC-Parts & Labor-Jail & Courthouse Door-$6,279.67;Artistic Custom Badges & 577 Coins LLC-Badge-$98.25;AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone-$308.58;Bearlodge Forest Products-Timbers-$76.00;Big Horn Telecommunications LLC-Labor-Courtroom Phone-$425.00;Big Horn Tire Inc.-Labor-Tire-$3,750.37;Black Hills Chemical Co.-Courthouse Supplies-$385.44;Black Hills Energy-Electricity -$21.70;Black Hills Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery-Inmate Dental-$120.00;Bomgaars-Pole Saw, Tank & Pump, Supplies-$1,374.96;Campbell County Sheriff’s Office-Juvenile Housing-$2,250.00;CBH CO-OP-Fuel-$17,490.14;Centurylink-E911 Telephone & Database Extracts-$3,692.76;Christina R. Wood-Mileage-$210.56;City of Gillette-Water-$6.50;City of Sundance-Water & Hard Water Fees-$2,214.77;Climate Control Systems and Service-Fan Prop Kit & Motor-$2,345.14;Coffee Cup Fuel Stop-Fuel-$1,497.59;Colin Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$8,083.86;Collins Communications-Monitoring, Labor-$236.00;Croell Inc-4000 PSI no Ash-$1,823.75;Crook County Medical Service Dist.-Prisoner Foods & Meals, Blood Draw Fees, Inmate Clinic Visit/Lab-$4,067.74;Crook County Treasurer-Postage-$375.55;Custom Auto & Truck-Deductible, Battery, Repairs, Services-$4,336.23;Dakota Equipment Rental-Lawn Mower-$7,799.00;David J Redding-Loads of Shale-$1,000.00;Decker’s Market-Gatorade, Supplies-$1,390.02;Dell Marketing LP-Jail Computer-$745.28;Desert Basin Companies LLC-Loader Scale & Ticket Printer-$11,500.00;Donna’s Diner II-Fab Meeting & Lunches-Buffalo Fire-$285.00;Election Systems & Software-Licenses & Maintenance-$21,140.00;Environmental Systems Research Inst.-Enterprise License Agreement-$26,700.00;Fedex-Postage-$4.54;Firesteel Well Service Inc-Spread Water, Removal of Pit Water-$12,054.00;Floyds Truck Center WY-Parts & Repairs-$2,427.68;Galls, LLC-Uniforms-$1,712.91;Gillette Printing & Engraving Co, Inc.-Checks-$435.18;Green’s Alignment-Parts & Repairs-$1,373.86;Grimms Pump & Industrial Supply -Parts & Labor-$1,158.23;Grossenburg Implement Inc-Part-$114.65;Humphrey Law LLC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$700.21;Impresssions Embroidery-Badges-$72.00;Jagow Enterprises Inc-Contract Hauling -$8,440.54;JW Services, LLC-Contract Hauling -$1,899.41;Karen’s Delivery Co.-Deliveries-$34.00;Knecht Home Center of Spearfish LLC-Epoxy-$67.98;Kreuter’s, LLC-Repairs-$128.52;Kyle Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$5,942.47;Lakeview Wash & Storage-Car Washes-$111.63;Larry Steele-Parts & Labor-$9,510.00;Levi Galloway-Antenna Reimbursement-$52.99;Lueders Food Center-Food - Zone 12 Meeting & Riley Fire-$252.09;Marco Technologies LLC-Copy / Maintenance Fee-$144.44;Matthew Bender & Co., Inc-Statue Books & Court Rules-$2,844.67;Max Robert Masters-GIS Consulting & Mapping Contract-$3,400.00;Mckeeson Medical Surgical-Test Kits-$44.76;Mobil Satellite Technologies-Mobilsat Plan-$3,899.88;Paradise Foods-Fuel-$497.41;Pine Haven Fire Auxiliary-Food - Pine Haven Fire-$157.88;Powder River Energy Corp.-Electricity -$5,363.48;Powder River Heating & AC-Parts & Labor-$3,770.00;Powder River Powder, Div of Purvis-Hose, Camlocks & Clamps-$126.12;Preston Bryant-Fire Expenses-$10,175.32;Pro River Tech-Computer Services, Network Drop-$10,630.53;Quadient Finance USA Inc-Postage Machine Lease-$403.02;Quality Agg & Construction, Inc-J Base-$21,390.74;Quality Hardware & Supply -Parts & Supplies-$454.91;R & S Plumbing Services-Labor - Library Sewer-$165.00;Range Telephone-Telephone -$7,191.51;Rolling Metal Sinclair-Fuel-$940.01;Sara Fleenor-Mileage-$36.85;Scott Peterson Motors Inc-Parts & Repairs-$130.58;Shamion Trucking-Contract Hauling -$5,094.92;Source Management Inc-Supplies-$178.19;State of Wyoming-File Storage-$2.79;Stephen Geis-Fire Supplies Reimbursement-$200.99;Stewart Trucking LLC-Contract Hauling -$7,456.17;Stulken Law PC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$60.00;Sundance Electric Inc-Parts & Labor-$1,881.18;Sundance FAS-Break-Back Glass Replacement-$312.52;Sundance Hardware & Sporting Goods-Parts & Supplies-$852.26;Sundance State Bank-Direct Deposit Fees-$10.18;Sundance Times-Ads, Legal, Envelopes, Notary Stamps-$2,557.64;Susan McClure-Blood Draw Fee-$60.00;Susteen Inc-Cell Phone Forensic Equipment-$2,845.00;Sylvestri Customization-Monthly Website Maint. Graphic Design & Social Media-$600.00;Ted Moline-Cab Filters Reimbursement-$70.27;Tongue River Communications-Jail Cable -$91.00;Top Office Products, Inc.-Office Supplies-$265.16;Tower Valley Ag Supply-Water, Supplies, Fuel-$1,839.39;Town of Hulett-Water-$60.30;Town of Moorcroft-Water-$65.76;Tracy Motor Company-Parts & Supplies-$1,995.76;Tyler Technologies, Inc.-User Support & Maintenance-$30,628.19;US Post Office-Box Rent-$122.00;VFW 4311-Flag Dues-$25.00;Vilas Pharmacy-Jail Meds & Cards-$261.91;Visa-Supplies, Adobe, New Equipment, Travel Expenses, Postage, Registration Fee, Straight Talk-$6,702.70;Visionary Broadband-Internet Service-$929.50;W Bar Feed & Ranch Supply-Tire Repair-$25.00;Warne Chemical & Equipment Co.-Fire Hoses-$1,150.00;Watchguard Video-Conference Wi-Fi Poe Kit, Antenna & Mount-$310.00;Wildland Warehouse-Fire Supplies-$3,701.72;Windstream-Telephone-$164.71;WY Department of Health-4th Quarter Salary-State Nurse-$8,770.95;WY Department of Workforce Services-Firemen’s Worker’s Compensation-$734.45;WY Retirement System-Firemen’s Retirement -$618.75;WY State Forestry Division-Parts & Repairs-$2,033.05;WYDOT Motor Vehicle Division-New Plate-$5.00;Wyoming County Commissioners Association-WCCA FY22 Dues-$7,902.00;Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy-Coroner Basic School-$455.00;Wyoming Machinery Company-Rental, Parts & Labor-$14,325.67;Z Lazy Y Services-Fix Water Leak-$750.00;Total-$784,152.27

Jeanne moved to allow all bills as presented. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried. A complete, detailed listing of the monthly expenditures can be found on the county website. They can be found under the County Budget tab and are listed as “Monthly Accounts Payable/Payroll Payments”.

The following monthly collections were collected:

County Clerk $15,588.98

County Sheriff $43,086.25

Clerk of District Court $3,030.17

Circuit Court $26,170.00

Public Health (June) $17,142.18

Joe Baron, County Attorney, Tina Wood, Clerk of District Court, Jeff Hodge, County Sheriff, Tammy Jundt, Deputy County Treasurer and Theresa Curren, County Assessor were present to go over items of interest within their departments.

Theresa Curren, County Assessor: Gave Mill Levy Report Request to the Commissioners for approval for tax year 2021.  Went to Assessor meetings in Lander in July.  Dan will be attending the Commercial and Residential Marshall & Swift class in Cheyenne in August.  Theresa and Tracey will be attending a land valuation class in Cheyenne in August.  Discussed Mineral Collection Senate File 60 with Commissioners. Served breakfast at the fair.

Linda Fritz, County Clerk: Office made 314 titles, recorded 644 documents, sent out liquor license renewals, Melissa working on fixed assets, gathering info for the auditors to prepare the FY20/21 audit, working on the annual financial abstract, County Clerks met with the Secretary of State’s Office to discuss proposed legislative changes to how elections are conducted, there is discussion about run-offs and primaries being conducted by political parties through the caucus process, tracking special districts reports to make sure they are turned in, working with the phone company to solve our dropped calls problem, final budget was completed and the fiscal year rollover is complete, worked with Deputy Treasurer Tammy Jundt to get the revenue fund balances rolled over into the new fiscal year, attended the department head meeting, helped cook breakfast at the fair.

Jeff Hodge, County Sheriff: Presented the jail roster, working on the Flex system, had a call for service on a suicidal person, working on radio frequencies, presented monthly calls for service, dealing with lots of civil issues/complaints, cooked breakfast at the fair, business as usual-only busier.

Joseph M. Baron, County Attorney: Joe: New Cases (35), Closed Cases (17), Current Case Load (118), In Court

(June-21) Lynda: New Cases (37), Closed Cases (32), Current Case Load (88), In Court (June-30). Joe dealt with

road easement issues, elected official issues, contract reviews for various county offices, bond reviews, salary policy

matters and other legal matters, served breakfast at the fair.

Tammy Jundt, Deputy County Treasurer: Total receipts were $1,146,123.14 and disbursements to boards, towns and schools were $431,842.11. The counter has been a little slower this month as July is our slowest month. We have been calling constituents that have delinquent property taxes. They have until Friday, August 20, 2021, to pay their taxes and not be advertised for tax sale. I am working on annual audit confirmations for the school, boards and towns. Linda F. and I rolled over the funds for the new fiscal year. Brenda is digitizing the tax roll records. Through everything that’s been going on, the girls have been great and we are all hanging in there, taking one day at a time and continuing business as usual.

Tina Wood, Clerk of the District Court: Had 2 jury trials in June and 9 other court hearings, 7 court hearing days in July, attended the District Court Clerk’s meeting in Casper, attended the child support meeting, attended the department head meeting, working on the wage range placement table, served breakfast at the fair. Tina also asked about the county’s plan for the upcoming recycling event.

County Commissioners: Kelly: Served breakfast at the fair, spent time at the fair and heard positive feedback on how the fair worked this year, attended special Commissioner meetings, traveled most of the county roads to assess their condition. Jeanne: Served breakfast at the fair, attended special Commissioner meetings, had a phone meeting ref: the Black Hills Forest Plan revision, drove county roads with Morgan, road with Ed Robinson looking for a place to station the Comms Trailer during fires that has internet service capability, working on more broadband grants. Fred: Attended the department head meeting, served breakfast at the fair, attended special commissioner meetings, drove some county roads, spent time at the fair, have been out on lots of county fires.

Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, gave monthly reports.

Adjourned for lunch at 12:05 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

Jill Mackey, Director, County Library and Carolyn Fowler, Secretary, Fair Board, gave monthly reports.

Tim Lyons, Growth & Development Administrator, gave a monthly report.

Dallas Rolf, Jackpot Ranch, discussed the issue with Beaver Creek County Road No. 216 being located in the middle of his property and the increase of traffic due to the growth of population in that area. The Board instructed Morgan Ellsbury to look into possible options/expenses to move a portion of the road.

Doug Leis, County Fire Warden, and Ed Robinson, Homeland Security County Coordinator, gave monthly updates.

Fred approved a 24-Hour Catering Permit for Campstool Marketing LLC dba Devils Tower KOA for August 21, 2021 for an event. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Present for the monthly Pro River update were Tammy Jundt, Tina Wood, Theresa Curren, Jeff Hodge and on conference call were Tom Overstreet and Jon Igelhart.

The meeting adjourned at 3:57 o’clock p.m.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.

Ted Moline was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation for his 10 years of dedicated service to Crook County.

Preston Beckstead, Resident Engineer, Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), gave an update on bridge and road projects.

Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent and Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor continued their monthly reports.

Present to discuss creating a salary schedule were Larry Schommer, Mike Frolander, Tim Lyons, Jill Mackey, Carol Stutzman, Theresa Curren, Tina Wood, Joe Baron, Morgan Ellsbury, Jeff Hodge, Linda Fritz, Tammy Jundt and Sarah Pridgeon.

Present for opening of the property insurance bids was Joe Baron. The only bid received was from HUB International Insurance. After discussion, Jeanne moved to approve the proposal from HUB International for $103,632.00. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Mike Frolander, County Coroner and Joe Baron, County Attorney discussed the request made by the County Coroner in Weston County, to get some assistance from Crook County. Due to health issues, there is no coverage in Weston County and the coroner is requesting the Crook County Coroner respond to calls in Weston. The discussion was tabled until the Board is in contact with the Weston County Commissioners.

Sarah Anderson and Bridget Helms, CCNRD, gave a monthly report. Fred moved to approve a letter of support for the Crook County Natural Resource District in their efforts to obtain a grant. Jeanne seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Jeanne moved to approve a Catering Permit for Buffalo Jump Hospitality Partners LLC dba Buffalo Jump Saloon and Steakhouse for the Ranch A Banquet for August 28, 2021 and a Catering Permit for Buffalo Jump Hospitality Partners LLC dba Buffalo Jump Saloon and Steakhouse for a wedding on September 5, 2021. Fred seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Joe Baron discussed the Board’s possible land acquisition from Roger Croell. After discussion, Fred moved to approve the Agreement for Sale of Real Estate for Lot 3 of the Croell Subdivision Phase 1, Town of Sundance, Crook County, WY. Jeanne seconded. Jeanne and Fred voted aye. Kelly vacated the chair and voted nay as he does not want to increase the amount of County owned land. Motion carried.

Adjourned for lunch at 12:06 o’clock p.m.

1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairwoman Jeanne A. Whalen, Member Fred M. Devish and County Clerk Linda Fritz.

Present for the annual STIP (State Transportation Improvement Program) presentation were Senator Ogden Driskill and Morgan Ellsbury and with WYDOT were Brad Marchant, Tim Boumeester, Scott Taylor, Preston Beckstad, Sara Ellis, Laura Dalles & Isaac Finkle.

The meeting adjourned at 3:00 o’clock p.m. to meet in regular session on September 7 & 8, 2021 at 8:30 o’clock a.m., in the Commissioner’s Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming.

Kelly B. Dennis, Chairman Jeanne A. Whalen, Vice-Chairwoman

Fred M. Devish, Member Attested: Linda Fritz, County Clerk

Publish: August 12, 2021