Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

Sep. 23, 1920

Cheyenne is starting in to round up 200 homeless dogs that infest that city and Sundance is in the midst of a dog famine. A farmer who complains that coyotes are eating him up, came to town recently and hunted two hours without finding a single unattached Towser.

Messrs. Jelbert, Oldroyd, Grice and Fitzgerald motored to Moorcroft yesterday to take in Frontier Day. Incidentally the Sundancers did a little missionary work in behalf of the Crook County fair next Saturday.

C.H Sackett and Dr. Clarenbach made a farewell visit to the finny tribes of Sand creek Tuesday. They found the trout nearing the spawning season, and decided that it would be their last trip. Mr. Sackett said he didn’t have as good luck as usual, but judging from the basket of fine fish he left with the Times, he is there and over with rod and reel.

75 Years Ago

Sep. 20, 1945

With an experienced line but a green backfield the Sundance Bulldogs will open their 1945 grid season here this Friday. Coach Huckins says that his starting line-up will probably include Perry Yoeman and Reed Chittim at ends. Robert Fraser and Gunnard Necklason or Walter Hauber at tackles, Elden Roadifer and Merril Evans or Wesley Hockett as guards and Chester Hejde at center. Jack Newman or Eugene Bannister will be at quarter, Billy Jones and Kenneth Dudrey at half and Richard Snider at full. Earl Gray will see action at center or guard.

Various public projects, including that of a county hospital, were again discussed at the Tuesday evening gathering of the Lions club. The club is still considering collecting donations towards the first $15,000. Need for a new school building was also brought up and is to be discussed at the next meeting to which members of both the highs school and grade school boards will be especially invited.

50 Years Ago

Sep. 24, 1970

The Sundance Farm Bureau Friday night elected Frank Hawken president for next year. Other officers elected were Ralph Sapp, vice president; Mrs. Ulric Hawken, secretary-treasurer; and Mrs. Ralph Sapp, chairman of the women’s committee.

Harold Bunch, Buffalo, was named as the new Hulett marshal recently during the September meeting of the Hulett Town Council.

25 Years Ago

September 21, 1995

On Monday in the Courthouse, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will hold a public meeting to discuss its plans to declare Ranch A surplus to its needs. Constructed by the Annenberg family in the 1930s, Ranch A was acquired by the Service in the 1960s for a fish genetics research facility. Research operations were terminated in 1980 but the Service continued to work on fish diet development until 1986. Since then, it has been used by the Wyoming Game and Fish for fish production, the South Dakota School of Mines for a training seminar site and the Inyan Kara foundation for troubled youths group home.