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The refining pot is for silver & the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the hearts. Proverbs 17:3

Born in fire, forged in God’s love. Simple to say, complex and painful as a process, yet the beneficial fruit it produces cannot be denied. Rarely is ease the formula for necessity and need, whereas want is a diversion into the path of least resistance. The fire and the forge in God’s hand directed by His love is the beginning, middle and culmination to a powerful product in our souls.

We cannot have ending without a beginning. This also must include a middle and that is where the battle of decision is won or lost.

If we attempt to adjust the flame (heat) of the process (forge) or the angle or strength of the blow, the result is less than adequate. It becomes a product of our own fancy and our best falls to the worst. The adjustment of the heat, the substitution of what we deem appropriate, pollutes what is needed and we are formed and left with nothing but ease and pesky wants.

The fire and forge (hammer of adversity and opportunity) cannot be avoided in this world. Yet, the forge of God’s love is the instrument that provides blows born of love…so that the lessons last. The striking is not left in the hands of an enemy or an individual who hammers out punishment for merely suffering and pain sake but attacks only in those areas that need reshaping and that extreme measures can correct.

The result is a life that is honorable to behold and reflects the depth of God alone. The heat, melting, horrific blows and twisting of souls are part of the process of living.

We cannot deny the painful progression, but we can place the hammer in the hands of the One who cares for us with an everlasting love. Don’t just accept the blows of life, receive what is needed and behold the beauty of the result. There is a beginning, a very real middle and an absolute end, but the hands of God are sure, and His intentions are true.

That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:7

Submitted by Pastor Dave Jagemann, Chapel of Faith