Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

May 26, 1920

Information just reaches the Times that the body of Laben Wood, whom it has been suspicioned the past two weeks or more was a victim of foul play, was found in or on the bank of the North Fork of the Little Missouri river. Sheriff Hurt had been working on the case and upon taking charge of the body an inquisition and examination revealed the fact that the body had been penetrated by a bullet which no doubt was the cause of death. It is stated that for some time there has been hard feeling in this neighborhood which is thought to have lead to this result. Frank Hickey, rancher of that locality, is being held by the sheriff for investigation.

A.B. Plummer of the federal agricultural department and County Agent Oldroyd are out through the county this week conducting the campaign of exterminating prairie dogs and other rodents.

The marking crew of the Custer Battlefield Hiway which is due here on the way east over the route from Sheridan has not yet reached Sundance but it is said is somewhere between Moorcroft and this city.

75 Years Ago

May 31, 1945

First news that her son was alive and well, was received in a Mother’s Day cablegram received last week from Willis Stanton by Mrs. Mary Stanton of Sundance. He had been reported missing in Germany by the war department since March 1 and no further word had been received since that time. A confirming letter dated May 10 was received this week from him. He said that he had been captured by the Germans March 1 and had remained a prisoner until May 2. He is now back with his company but expects to get a furlough and be back home soon.

Lake Cook and Miller Lake, both in the Bear Lodge, will open June 1 to fishing with a creel limit of five per person. The Lake Cook road from Taylor divide down to the lake is in very bad condition at present reports Ranger Cochran, who says it is practically “bottomless” and ad vises anyone desiring to fish there to walk from the Divide down to the lake, a distance of about a mile.

50 Years Ago

May 28, 1970

Three Sundance high school juniors are preparing to attend the Wyoming Girls’ and Boys’ State events early in June. Debbie Gerhart was selected by the Sundance American Legion Auxiliary while Crook County Post No. 45, American Legion selected Mark Hughes and Mark Ferrell as their delegates.

Students at the Rifle Pit school in Crook County closed the school year with their first plane trip, a flight to Pierre, S.D. and back to Rapid City. In Pierre, the students visited Oahe lake and the power plant, the state capitol building, state historical museum and Griffith Park. Through the courtesy of Ralph Jones, they also visited the motor vehicle department and saw the IBM computer at work.

25 Years Ago

June 1, 1995

American Legion Auxiliary Unit #45 held initiation for new members: Jill Mackey and Ardelle Leins. After regular business, Cindy Waller installed officers for the ensuing year: Donna Allen, president; Dorothy Gregson, vice president; Terence McNutt, secretary/treasurer; Doramay Blakeman, chaplain; Iva Sherrard, sergeant-at-arms; Merlene Elwonger, historian.