Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Peek at the Past

100 Years Ago

The Times

January 14, 1920

A jolly crowd of Gaylord Zane’s friends gave him a surprise last Saturday evening at the Zane Hotel It was to remind him of his sixteenth birthday and the hospitality of the hotel was turned over to the crowd of happy youngsters who made the best of it until late in the evening to say the least.

The commercial club’s picture machine has arrived at the hall, but shipment of the engine has been considerably delayed. It is due, however, within a short time.

75 Years Ago

January 11, 1945

An air medal has been awarded to Lieut. Fred L. McCullough, former assistant county agent here, for bombing attacks on war plants in Germany and upon Nazi military defense points and communications lines in support of Allied armies in western Europe.

T-4 Kenneth D. Canfield, whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Canfield, live south of Sundance has received the Purple Heart for wounds sustained during enemy air action. The presentation was made by Col. Clarence P. Tolbot, commanding officer of the China air service command; at ceremonies recently held somewhere in China states a recent press dispatch.

Miss Billy Nuckolls, formerly of Hulett, who is now serving with the American Red Cross, writes she is still stationed at Brisbane, Australia where she has been for two years. She says it seems strange at Christmas time to be where it is so very hot. She also states she will be glad to get back to the USA.

50 Years Ago

January 15, 1970

R.M. Bernd, area development chairman for the Sundance Commercial Club, said Wednesday noon he had been informed by Pres. William C. Rust that United States International University had made application Wednesday to the Surplus Property agency for facilities at Sundance Air Force Stations. Rust informed him, Bernd said, that the educational training center at the site will be opened in September 1971.

George Letellier, manager of Tri-County Electric Association, Inc., Friday night was elected president of the Sundance Commercial Club for 1970. He succeeds Lyle Warner at the post.

School District No. 1 has taken an option on a tract of land just southeast of the city limits as a possible site for a proposed new elementary school building. The option gives the board the right to purchase up to 30 acres of land at $1000 per acre. In other business during the meeting, the board took under study a proposal to allow girls to wear slacks to school.

25 Years Ago

January 12, 1995

The new postal facility at Beulah was approved in December and the Post Office was moved on December 17 from the Buffalo Jump Saloon. The new facility opened for business on December 19, when patrons were able to pick up their mail there.

Municipal Judge Ron Waugh administered the oath of office to Mayor Jim Miller and council members Trudy Durfee, Steve Lenz and Arley Maynard. Miller and Durfee were re-elected. Maynard was elected to her first term and Lenz was appointed last month to fill a vacancy on the council caused by the resignation of Paul Brooks. Leaving the council was David Hurd who did not seek re-election.