Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Letters to the Editor

Hi, my name is Shyla Shoun and I am in 4-H. For the last few years I showed rabbits and sheep but this year I have a pig and this is my favorite project.

Did you know pigs love marshmallows? Especially my pig, B.L.T.

The swine show is Wednesday, July 24 at 5 p.m. then Saturday, July 27 there is a community barbecue with live music at 3 p.m. Following that there will be the livestock auction at 5 p.m.

Please come and enjoy the fun!

Shyla Shoun


Dear Editor,

Sundance has a problem! The problem is the “Yield” signs and drivers not knowing what they are for, or it appears to be the reason for them to run their yield sign.

Over the past 26 years, my wife and I have been involved in two auto accidents because the other driver did not yield and ran the yield sign on their street.

In case drivers have forgotten, a yield sign means slow down, look both ways and yield to any oncoming traffic.

I have watched many, many drivers speed through their yield sign not even looking to see if there was any oncoming traffic.

Is it going to take someone being killed in an auto accident to make drivers realize traffic signs are there for a reason?

Running the yield signs is something that happens daily.

Ed Kinsall