Continuing the Crook County News Since 1884

Crook County Fair Board

April 1, 2019

Crook County Fair Board

PO Box 473

Sundance, WY 82729

Board Meeting – April 1, 2019

Chairman Peggy Boardman called the regular board meeting of the Crook County Fair Board to order at 5:40 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Board members present: Peggy Boardman, Terri Johnson, Justin Gerstner, Lonny Bossman, Amy Pravecek

Employees present: Carolyn Fowler, Jessica Weinand

Visitors: Sara Fleenor, Teresa Fordyce

Lonny moved to approve the agenda with the addition of Sara Fleenor and Mapping, Terri seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Sara presented a description from Johnson County for a Jr. Fair Board. Discussion was held about the role of members that would be chosen. Sara offered to help where needed. Lonny moved to go forward with the Junior Fair Board application process, Amy seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Training for using the new RFID tag readers will be during the livestock camp in June.

Sara asked the fair board to add to the budget the cost to build a roof extension to cover the pig show ring. She has some businesses willing to donate some funds. A quote will be sent to the fair board.

The 4H office will be putting in a water line to the hoop house for watering in the summer.

Justin moved to approve the minutes from the March 4, 2019 meeting, Lonny seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Lonny gave the Treasurer’s Report.

$ 1,044.68 March Income

$ 6,356.96 March Expense

$ -5,312.28 Net Loss

$ 74,928.68 March Balance

Lonny moved to go into executive session at 6:07 pm, Amy seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Lonny moved to resume regular session at 7:23 pm, Terri seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Justin moved to pay bills received and those regular bills to come in, Amy seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Carolyn gave the Secretary Report. Lonny moved to proceed with office construction and to have Carolyn work from home during that time, Amy seconded, all ayes, motion carried. Lonny moved to proceed with the dog show equipment rental from Weston County, Justin seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

Jessica gave the Maintenance Report. Lonny moved to purchase 2 cameras, one for inside barn and one outside barn, motion activated, Amy seconded, ally ayes, motion carried. It was discussed to purchase a time clock or use an app for the computer to track employee time.

Lonny gave the Horse Committee report. Stevie will be the horse superintendent. She will be gone one of the horse days. Allyssa Tenke, Shannon Haugen, Cassie Bossman are volunteers that will help for that day.

Carolyn gave the entertainment report. Dozer’s Games was approved. The Kissack’s will perform on Tuesday of fair week. Lonny will talk with the Moorcroft Rodeo Club about helping with the youth rough stock rodeo.

Justin will contact the Livestock Committee about updates to the livestock section of the fair book.

Old Business:

Antonio Delfino will work maintenance for the summer. Alyssa Lewis will be hired as the maintenance help for fair.

Justin moved to purchase 4 of the 11x17 horse stall signs, Amy seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

A partial mapping of the fairgrounds has been received. Terri moved to hire Zack with First Locators to do the remaining locates at the fairgrounds, Justin seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

New Business:

Changes to the fair schedule were made. The mandatory youth meeting and fair kick-off will be Tuesday at 3:30. Weigh-ins will be moved back half an hour each. Chickens to be sold will be added to the swine weigh-in.

A budget work session will be April 10 at 5:30 pm.

Judges were reviewed. Compensation will remain the same.

Justin moved to adjourn at 9:15 pm, Lonny seconded, all ayes, motion carried.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 6, 2019 at 5:30 pm.

Justin Gerstner, Secretary